The Essence of Capital - 9

in art •  6 years ago 

An art for the Internet is alien to all present institutions built to recognize art creation. And a distributed art-creation protocol has no precedent in the Internet world, either. Describing the art in recognizable platforms in shows it to be functional, but only in the sense of a protocol's systemic application; not a systemic art.
The protocol is the set of conventions on methods and values of this system. This is needed to cooperatively create the knot in a systemic art. Knots need operational rules conceptualized to function in an autonomous, decentralized Internet to prove the power of consensus that makes this a systemic art.
These knots follow a single protocol for two interactive products. The illustrations and their descriptions here cover the generation of Cryptoknot. Later on the protocol that is obviously governing methods and devices for building knots, and rules for their combination, covers processes of creation and consensus, further emphasizing protocol integrity.
This knot is an example of a three crossing knot added to a combination of three four crossing knots by this protocol. This knot is on a grid of nine modules, seven of which identify this unique knot with a value of modules 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 and 52 in the Cryptoknot part of that protocol. Those tokenized numbers will never be associated with any other entity but the immutable combination of three four crossing knots with one three crossing knot.

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