Self portrait

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)

I don't get much time nowadays to draw. Steemit has been taking a lot of my time recently. Commenting, writing stories for my posts, promoting it all. It's a bit sad since drawing is my second passion after writing, right before programming.

(Quick very inaccurate portrait of myself since I'm way too rusty)

Many days recently I find myself wishing to divide myself into four people. One to write, one to draw, one to program and one to be social, to run around Steemit looking at all the wonderful gems that are hidden away by the lack of proper promotion inherent in the current blockchain, commenting and supporting those who make an effort but are not heard.

There's not enough time to do everything I would like. I have a friend who mocks me for wanting to be immortal. "But you'd get bored!". I just don't think I would! I've always found new things. I leave something, I start something else, just like that. New interests are found at every step I take. Nowadays I try to keep many interests alive, many passions I've gathered through the years.

I started drawing when I was 8-9. I stopped because the classes were too expensive. Then I started writing at 13-14 and went stronger at 16-17. Then I stopped, I started learning languages. It always took some time to get accustomed and passionate about the topic, and then a sharp cut, something that stopped that trend. I just went out of uni and started working as a translator.

It's not hard to translate, but it takes time, and I couldn't learn any more languages. I had abandoned all my passions already. In May, I decided to cut it off. The pay wasn't enough and I really, really wanted to do something for myself. I started drawing again right away. I took up the classes I had abandoned before because my parents were unable to pay them, and paid them myself with what I had saved from my translations.

I took up writing again, then Steemit. And now I feel reinvigorated about my passions. I want to do it all. I don't want to abandon them again. However, I need to to too much. It's so hard to find a few minutes to open up Krita and draw, to open up a notebook and write when I'm planning about promoting my previous writing, but I don't have time to do that because I'm networking, but I don't have time to do that because I have friends and I don't pay enough attention to them, so they complain, and here I am. It's 6:03 a.m., I haven't slept and I'm making my daily post.

I really enjoy all of this. I won't say my crisis is making me feel bad. I feel very grateful to have the opportunity to dedicate so much time to myself, to my hobbies, to my friends, to my interests. It might not last long, since I need to prepare myself to play my part in the Great Venezuelan Exodus, as I like to call it. I'll be moving abroad and I need to finish everything, which means that at some point, if this is not providing me enough to substitute my degree, I'll have to take a pause.

That is disheartening, but at the same time it also pushes me to try to enjoy every moment I have on Steemit, to write every day without pause, to find a few minutes to draw, because I can't leave it behind, to talk to my friends, to hang out, to talk to everyone who supports me and who will or may support me in the future or who maybe doesn't even care but I do care about them.

So, if you're here and you enjoyed the read, I'm glad. I had never had a blog/rant before. Thank you for reading. I'll see you soon with another story. I have something planned but it will take some time to write. I will also take part in some contests. I will do some great jobs, I'm sure. Good nigh--- morning. I guess. 6:06

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One to write, one to draw, one to program and one to be social, to run around Steemit

I know the feeling, i wish i had a clone Jutsu so i could split myself between, someone to blog, someone to answer to peoples posts, someone to workout, someone to eat, someone to watch movies, someone to watch tv shows, someone to read, someone to go to university and someone to study.
I also want to be immortal, i wouldn't be sad at all because i'm ok being alone even though i have many friends

kage bunshin no jutsu


;D Nice


Clone Jutsu

Hahahaha 😂😂
Yeaaaaah, so much stuff to do, so little time. I also want to watch movies and eat and work out and watch TV shows and read and go to the university. I just give some privilege to certain activities. It's sad that I have to choose.

I can't study it all, though my curiosity is so great. I cannot taste it all, I cannot travel to all places, though I really want to see so much of the world. I don't know what to do with all of these unreachable desires. :( I can reach many, but there's just too much to do in just one human lifetime.

Keep posting on steemit, keep investing in cryptos, retire in 5 years a millionaire and go travel the world and do everything you want, if you need some company ill go with you XD

:) I admit that outlook seems wonderful. Sadly I can't plan that far ahead. Nowadays with the situation of Venezuela I have no idea on whether I'll be working a normal job to be able to survive somewhere else in 5 months or whether I'll be able to keep this up for a long while. For the moment, I'll just enjoy what I have here and use these days to write, blog, socialize.

I may know rather soon, in a couple months, where this is taking me. Not much choice for someone who lets herself be taken by the circumstances, like me. I'll try and grab the leash to lead my life again! But for the moment this is all I have. Let's see where it all goes. Thanks for the attempt to motivate me hahah

Can't you Venezuelans change country? UK, for example, has many jobs in small cities where you can earn 1,4k per month. I know venezuela has been having a rough couple of years, but you guys can leave if you want right?

I need more me's too, one to steem, one to garden, one to mom and wife, one to work on musical/artistic/cooking projects all day...
I'm glad we get a glimpse into @cryptosharon, I'm having fun getting to know you <3

I wish days would at least be longer. :( I sleep too much. 9 hours a day. Then I have to eat three times and tend to my needs and do other stuff. Then in the end I have like 2-3 hours for every activity, but I end up just doing one activity and leaving the rest "for later".

Yup. Add kids and a husband to that... No time!

Hello Sharon!

I'm enjoying every read. We all had something that we really like to do and fight for. Let's join hands and hang in there, shall we?

You're a very smart lady and I'm sure doors will open up for you much bigger than you've imagined. Just don't let go and everything will pay off. :)

Yees :D I hope we can all find through this effort a way to achieve what we really want to. Not to be slaves to the norm that says that we have to sacrifice our lives for a future that might not come.

:) Thanks for your kind words.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wish you luck... Come to The U.S.A.

Thanks 😊😊
I don't think I'll be going there but I might! I'll post here to call all the USians to welcome me ;)

But I think I'm going to Europe. I have my family there.

Gotta do what makes you happy!

Yup-yup! Follow your dreams! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Life's to short to spend it suffering.

That is a very interesting self portrait. You can still make out an interesting quality in the eyes, but I'm not sure what. Time to use AI to reconstruct a full image! Haha.... Wouldn't that be impressive.

Did you say one to code also? Ah yes, program.

Yeess, it's "programar" in Spanish and there's "programming" in English, but the verb is usually "to code". ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Aaaah, well I did fugg it up a lot of it so even if you reconstruct it you might not get an accurate depiction of myself.

The eyes were one of my favorite parts to draw hahaha. There were no eyes, so I just decided to put two little reflections that weren't there and boom, pretty eyes. :P

Oh no, code and program both work. I think when I first read it I must have missed it. Code is more... colloquial I guess? Dunno

Yeaaah I really hid the word well :O I noticed it when I put it there but I was way too sleepy to do proofreading. I just wrote and wrote and posted it hahaha.

I didn't know that 'to program' is also used a lot too. It makes sense, though. Coding, programming, to code, to program.

Maduro would flag this post!
Just saying :D

:O You're right!

...That's sad.

keep up your path, we need more unique individuals out there like you who aren't afraid to go against the grain so to say by actually pursuing your dreams, persistence always over comes resistance keep it up

This is particularly necessary in today's society! So many people live unfulfilling lives from start to end because they think that "fitting in" and "following the current" is the only path that can/should be taken.

I'ma call you Sharon-Anon ;)

cool photos :) I greet and encourage you to visit my profile @synekto