How to fold a cigarette box fighter JET ✈️
Hello there,
it's time for another cigarrete box origami tutorial. :)
You can find the first tutorial here: Cigarette box polo shirt
Here is a Tutorial: How to make a fighter Jet with an empty cigarette box. I tried to make the steps as clear and detailed as possible. If you have questions, feel free to ask in the comments. I might make a video tutorial the next days. Let me know if you like it! :)
And this is how you do it:
First you need to unfold the cigarrete box so it looks like this:
Now you have cut or tear the paper on the red lines. You don't need the red areas anymore. Now you should have the following parts left and you can begin to fold and put the folded parts together. Just follow the instructions in the pictures..
I hope you enjoyed this little tutorial. :)
Cheers, Didi