Today you will learn about Batman who laughs. His real name is Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman, Clown, King of Horror and the Dark Multiverse Scourge.
All actions take place in an unknown world, the size of which is with both Multiverses. The location of this universe is the Dark Multiverse (the real one).
It all started on Earth -22. Bruce was the only son of a physician Thomas Wayne (-22) and Martha Wayne (-22). As a young child, the main character loved to wear one of his father's fancy dresses, which resembled a bat.
It all started when, during the robbery, Bruce is saved by the Shadow (-22), which inspired the main character.
A few weeks later, Wayne, leaving the cinema in the evening, headed for the house. On the way home, Wayne is attacked by a burglar named Joe Chill (-22). After some time, Joe kills Thomas and Martha in front of Bruce. Immediately after that, Chill runs away. After some time, the main character is comforted by Leslie Tompkins, who decided to look after Bruce. Immediately after that, Bruce promised himself that he would bring to justice any unassuming killer and avenge the death of his parents. Also, Wayne promised himself that someday he would find out the truth about Joe's actions. After the funeral, the social service transferred the protagonist to the care of his uncle Philip Wayne. Unfortunately, since his uncle was forced to travel because of his work and was rarely at home, Bruce became friends with a housekeeper, Mrs. Chilton.
A few years later, when the protagonist became a teenager, he began to study everything he could about the police procedure. Right after that, Bruce decides to track down the city’s most famous police detective Harvey Harris (-22). Wearing a bright red, yellow-green suit to hide his identity, Wayne tracked down Harvey only to find a criminal waiting for an ambush. After some time, the main character, using a large commercial in the form of a bell, kills the bandit and saves Harris's life. Harvey was so impressed with the enthusiasm of the teenager that he agreed to take him under his wing. After some time, Harvey calls Bruce Robin (-22). As a result, Wayne spent several weeks training under the tutelage of Harris. Also, Harris instructed the protagonist on the intricacies of identifying criminals, taught gymnastics and hand-to-hand combat. Working together, Bruce and Harvey became inseparable.
A few years later, Wayne and Harris managed to inflict a noticeable blow on the underworld.
When the main character turned 18 years old, he went to college, parting with Harvey. Bruce specialized not only in criminology, but also in science.
After 4 years, Wayne was almost ready to fulfill his dream of a lifetime, becoming an agent of law enforcement. After graduation, the protagonist began to reevaluate his future. Bruce acknowledged the fact that law enforcement agencies were often the victims of an endless bureaucracy that prevented them from seeking justice.
A few days later, Wayne traveled around the world, preparing for his final crusade. During this journey, the protagonist visited many places for different purposes. Bruce studied in Mexico with a sorcerer to hone his wisdom and learn to trust his instincts.
A few years later, the protagonist returned to the Wayne estate and took control of his father's business interests in Wayne Enterprises (-22), but there was still an unresolved question about his oath on the grave.
A few days later, Bruce sat in his office, pondering his dilemma. When the bat flew into Wayne’s room from an open window, the protagonist remembered the bat costume he wore as a child. Immediately after that, Bruce decides to become a living symbol of the bat, to inspire terror in the hearts of all criminals. So Batman appeared. After some time, Wayne began his personal crusade against the outlaws in Gotham (-22). After defeating several criminals, the protagonist proved to be an effective crime fighter. After some time, Bruce enlisted the support of Gotham Police Commissioner, named James Gordon (-22).
A few weeks later, Wayne was brought to the traveling Hali Circus (-22) during an investigation into the local mafia boss. After some time, Batman notices that the Flying Graysons (-22) became victims of the mafia boss, as a result of which Richard "Dick" Grayson (-22) became an orphan. Immediately after that, the main character took Dick under his wing, after which he began to focus the child’s anger in training to increase his skills. As a result, Grayson became Bruce's junior partner, named Robin. After some time, Alfred Pennyworth (-22) came to the Wayne estate. During the conversation, Wayne learns that Alfred decides to become a butler. Although at first the protagonist and Richard kept their identity secrets a secret, Alfred soon found out about their identity identity and began helping Bruce and Robin, adding Batcave service to his many duties on Wayne's estate.After some time, Wayne and Grayson together began to protect Gotham from many costumed villains, as well as from influential crime lords and bosses. Batman and Robin also began to work in many far-reaching matters outside of Gotham, in which other heroes also participated, including Superman.
A few days later, the main character joins Superman and other famous heroes to repel the invasion of space alien Starro (-22), who planned to enslave the entire planet Earth and its population. After the heroes defeated Starro, Bruce became a member of the Justice League (-22), which included:
- Batman
- Aquaman (-22)
- Flash (-22)
- Green Lantern (-22)
- Martian Manhunter (-22)
- Superman
- Wonder Woman (-22)
- Plastic Man (-22)
- Red Tornado (-22)
- Hawkman (-22)
- Atom (-22)
A few months later, Wayne meets the Elongated Man (-22) and Atom (-22), who join Batman. After some time, the heroes defeat several wanted criminals.
A few years later, Batgirl (-22), Nightwing (-22) and Red Hood (-22) join the main character and Red Robin (-22), as a result of which these characters become the Bat-Family (-22).
A few years later, the Joker (-22) finds out the secret of Batman’s personality.
A few days later, the main character finds out that the Joker killed the Suicide Squad (-22), Catwoman (-22) and Penguin (-22). Also, Bruce learns that the Joker, along with the rest of the villains, killed James Gordon.
A few days later, the Joker, using unknown chemicals, immobilized and bound Wayne. Having dragged Batman to the alley where Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne were killed, the Joker began to bring various families leaving the cinema. Bringing these people, the Joker kills parents and infects children with his toxin in front of the immobilized and bound protagonist.
A few hours later, Bruce, angry, frees himself and attacks the Joker. A fight ensued, during which Wayne kills the Joker and becomes infected with his toxin.
After 2 days, Batman meets Superman. During the conversation, the protagonist learns that all the children that the Joker infected cannot be cured.
After 3 days, Bruce tells the Bat family that he has contracted the Joker toxin and cannot be cured. After the conversation, Wayne kills the Bat family, leaving only Robin (Damian Wayne) (-22) alive, who was immediately infected with his toxin and made Dark Robin. So Batman appeared, who laughs. After a while, the Clown makes several infected children members of his new family. Also, the King of Terror put on Robin's costumes and collars on the children to keep them on the chain. Immediately after that, the main character began to call these children Robins.
After some time, Bruce creates his own "black kryptonite" (-22).
After 3 days, Wayne applied black kryptonite to Supergirl (-22). Under the influence of black kryptonite, Kara killed her family and died.
A week later, the Clown, while on the Watchtower (-22), kills the rest of the Justice League, except Superman. After some time, Batman who laughs, soaked all the air on the Watchtower with kryptonite gas. When Clark arrived at Watchtower, the King of Terror applied black kryptonite to Kent.
Leading to Superman Lois Lane (-22) and Jonathan Kent, who also used black kryptonite. As a result, Superman and Jonathan kill Lois and kill each other.
When the main character killed all his enemies, he is attacked by Alfred, who used all the technology of the Batcave. A fight ensued, during which Bruce defeated Pennyworth, locked him under the caves, began to feed him with garbage and whisper terrible things in his ear.
After 1 year, Wayne managed to break Alfred, who became the most faithful ally and servant of the Clown.
A few days later, Earth-22 ceased to exist. Fortunately, the King of Terror, the Robins and the Dark Robin are saved by Barbatos. During the conversation, Batman who laughs, learns about the Dark Multiverse, other dark Batmen, Earth 0, the ordinary Multiverse, and Batman (0). After that, Barbatos invites the protagonist to assemble a team of dark Batmen to capture Earth 0. Bruce agrees.
A few days later, actions continued on the unknown Earth, which is located in the Dark Multiverse. Wayne tried to recruit local Batman, who teamed up with local Lex Luthor. Unfortunately, he did not succeed. Immediately after this, Batman who laughs, kills the local Batman.
After some time, the actions continued on the unknown Earth, which is located in the Dark Multiverse. The clown secretly recruits the Grim Knight.
A few days later, operations continued on Earth -52. The King of Terror is recruiting Batman Red Death.
A few days later, actions continued on Earth -44. The protagonist recruits Batman Murder Machine.
A few days later, operations continued on -32 ground. Bruce recruits Batman Dawnbreaker.
A few days later, actions continued on Earth -11. Wayne recruits Batman Drowned.
A few days later, actions continued on Earth -12. Batman who laughs and Robins recruit Batman Merciless.
A few days later, actions continued on Earth -1. Clown recruits Batman Devastator.
A few days later, actions continued on Prime Earth. When Barbatos moved Batman (prime), a portal opened on the site of Batman (prime), through which the dark Batmen and Barbatos passed. After some time, the dark Batmen learn that their base is the "Mountain of Challengers", which appeared in Gotham. Immediately after this, the King of Terror becomes the leader of the Dark Knights, which include:
- Batman who laughs
- Batman Red Death
- Batman Murder Machine
- Batman Dawnbreaker
- Batman Drowned
- Batman Merciless
- Batman Devastator
After talking with Superman (prime) and Wonder Woman (prime), the Dark Knights knock out Clark and Diana. After some time, the main character sends the Devastator to Metropolis to capture Metropolis, turn its inhabitants into Doomsday, and also connect Kent and Wonder Woman to the bomb, which is charged with the energy of the heroes of any Earth. Also, this bomb should destroy Prime Earth. Immediately after that, the main character captures Gotham.
A few hours later, Bruce sends the Red Death to Central City so that Bruce (-52) captures him.
A few days later, Wayne built his own Batcave near Gotham.
A few hours later, the main character takes Shazam (prime) hostage, after which he infects Billy with his toxin and makes him one of his Robins.
Arriving at Arkham Asylum (prime), the Clown recruits Mr. Frieze (prime), Poison Ivy (prime), Mad Hatter (prime), Bane (prime) and Riddler (prime), handing them metal cards made of Nth metal.
A few days later, the villains built their own cities around the mountain of the Challengers. These cities were created by villains using the cards of Batman, who is laughing. After some time, the King of Terror learns that the Young Titans (prime), Suicide Squad, Green Arrow (prime), Nightwing (prime) and Mr. Terrific (prime) entered the mazes. When the protagonist finds out that Robin (Damian Wayne) (prime), Oliver, Harley Quinn (prime) and Crock-Killer (prime) defeated the Riddler, Bruce (-22) sends Dark Robin and Robins to the Riddler city so that they took the remaining Young Titans and the remaining members of the Suicide Squad hostage. After some time, Wayne (-22) infects the remaining Young Titans and the remaining members of the Suicide Squad with his toxin, making them his allies. Immediately afterwards, Batman who laughs sends the Murder Machine to the Watchtower to capture the Watchtower and Detroit, and defeat Cyborg (prime). When Bruce (-44) defeats Victor, the Dark Knights move to the Watchtower and attack the battered Cyborg. After some time, the Clown tells Victor about the Dark Knights, Barbathos and the Dark Multiverse. Immediately after that, the Killing Machine makes Cyborg's mind and eyes travel and see all the living Earths that are in the Dark Multiverse. When the King of Terror returned to the Mount of Challengers located in Gotham, he learns that Green Arrow, Harley Quinn, Robin (Damian Wayne), Crock the Killer and Nightwing defeated Mr. Freeze and infiltrated the city of Poison Ivy. Immediately after this, the protagonist sends his new allies and Dark Robin to the city of Poison Ivy. After some time, Bruce (-22) finds out that the Green Arrow, Harley Quinn, Robin (Damian Wayne), Mr. Terrific and Nightwing have infiltrated the city of the Mad Hatter. Right after that, Wayne (-22) sends Batman Dawnbreaker to Coast City to capture Coast City. When Batman who laughs discovers that Green Arrow, Harley Quinn, Robin (Damian Wayne), Mr. Terrific and Nightwing have infiltrated the city of Bane. Immediately after that, the Clown sends Dark Robin to the city of Bane, and also connects the remaining Young Titans, except for Raven (prime), and the remaining members of the Suicide Squad to an unknown mechanism that was heading for Mount Challengers. After some time, the King of Terror creates his own Batmobile, to which Raven is connected. Arriving in the city of Bane, the main character connects Harley to the mechanism. After some time, Bruce (-22) notices that Robin (Damian Wayne) is killing Dark Robin. Right after that, Wayne (-22) moves the rest of the Dark Knights to the city of Bane. After the conversation, Doctor Fate (prime) moves to the city of Bane, who immediately moves the Green Arrow, Robin (Damian Wayne), Mr. Terrific and Nightwing to an unknown place.
When Superman entered the city of Mr. Freeze, the Dark Knights attack him. A battle ensued during which Clark was rescued by Flash (Barry Allen) (prime) and Doctor Fate. After some time, Batman who laughs finds and breaks into one of the Doctors of Destiny shelters. Unfortunately, he was unable to find the remaining heroes.
After some time, the Clown sends Batman the Drowned to the Bay of Forgiveness to capture the Bay of Forgiveness and the sea located next to the Bay of Forgiveness, and also transformed Mera (prime). Also, the King of Terror sends Batman the Merciless to Virginia to destroy the agents of A. R. G. U. S. and capture Virginia.
A few hours later, the main character:
- sends Devastator and Murder Machine to Fortress of Solitude (prime);
- sends Red Death to his own Batcave, which is under Central City;
- sends the Dawnbreaker to his own Batcave, which is located near Coast City;
- sends the Drowned One to her own Batcave, which is located in Forgiveness Bay;
- sends Merciless to his own Batcave, which is located under Virginia;
Some time later, the main character told the Monitor (prime) about his origin and began to torment him.
When Bruce (-44) returned to the mountain of the Challengers, the Clown and the Murder Machine began to hack into the Cyborg, making Victor's mind see all the surviving Earths that are in the Dark Multiverse. It turned out that the Dark Knights needed a motherboard, which is located inside the Cyborg. When the rest of the Dark Knights returned to the Mount of Challengers, bringing with them Flash (Barry Allen), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) (prime), Wonder Woman and Aquaman, Murder Machine and the King of Terror connect Suicide Squad, Young Titans, Deathstroke (prime) , Doctor Fate and Mr. Terrific to the bomb, which is charged with the energy of the heroes of any Earth. Right after that, Wayne (-44), activating the Alfred Protocol, tried to connect Barry, Hal, Diana and Arthur to the bomb. Some time later, the main character notices that someone hacked and disabled the Alfred Protocol. It turned out that it was Victor. Immediately after this, Cyborg, having freed Aquaman, Jordan, Allen, and Wonder Woman, attacks the Dark Knights. A battle ensued during which the heroes liberate Devstroke, Doctors Fate, Raven, and Mr. Terrific. Immediately after this, Barbatos moves to the Dark Knights, and the heroes move to unknown places.
Some time later, the Clown moves to the Stone of Eternity and attacks the Wonder Woman. After talking with Diana, the King of Terror moves back to the mountain of Challengers.
A few hours later, the Dark Knights, moving to their spaceship, went to the House of Heroes to find and destroy the ship of Ultima Thule, Flash, Raven and Cyborg. When the heroes moved to the ship of the Dark Knights, the main character notices that Flash destroyed the nucleus of the new, born positive universe, and Red Death, having absorbed the energy of the nucleus, becomes Flash (-52). When the heroes returned to Ultima Tula and fled, Flash (-52) exploded.
Arriving at the captured House of Heroes, the Dark Knights blow up part of the City of Heroes.
A few hours later, the Dark Knights are attacked by Aquaman, Devstroke, Flash, Green Lantern, Orlitsa, Wonder Woman, Plastic Man and Mr. Terrifik. During the battle, Batman (prime), Superman (prime), good alternative versions of Batman (prime) and good alternative versions of Detective Chimp join the heroes.
Immediately after that, the Clown, taking the Monitor with him, moves to his Batcave, which is located under Gotham. By connecting the Monitor to a spare bomb, which is powered by anti-music, the King of Terror tried to activate the bomb. Unfortunately, he did not succeed. Right after that, the main character is attacked by Batman (prime) and Joker (prime). A battle ensued, during which Bruce (prime) and the Joker defeat Batman who laughs. Right after that, Wayne (prime) frees the Monitor and assigns him to the rest of the Justice League (prime). After brutally beating the Joker and running out of his cave, Bruce (-22) sees how the armor from the "Tenth Metal" burns all the members of the League from the inside, and then turns them, except Batman (prime), into Barbatos' personal army called Dragons of Bat, and the Joker into one of the Joker Dragons. The latter inhabits Bruce (prime) and transforms his body into his final form. The Dragons of Bat include:
- Barbatos
- Tyrant Wyrm, the devourer of Atlantis
- The Death Construct, "Fear his power, the gloominess of Hal Jordan"
- Krypthorax, the real Doomsday
- The Hydra Diana, Queen of Snakes and Stones
Later, Batman who laughs creates an armor of "X Metal" for his leader, and he gives him Earth 0, which he later transforms into "Earth-Metal".
After some time, the main character becomes the ruler of this world, and Barbatos becomes the ruler of both Multiverses.
During these 2 years, Bruce (-22):
- turns the "Hall of Justice", most of the League members and the "Watchtower" into the "Ha of Justice" - his personal base with trophies;
- moves here the gallows with the corpse of Batman (Dick Grayson) (42).
Now the new lord of the Multiverse is transferring to Wayne (-22) another reward for his help in conquering everything - the chained Joker Dragon (who turned out to be a local Joker), who could not meet his expectations. Calling the dragon "not funny", Batman,who laughs begins to torture him in every possible way.
Later, the main character pierces the Joker's huge head with his little dagger from the "Eighth Metal". He hears how his alarm system (the helmet of Fate) has detected intruders who dared to challenge him. Bruce (-22) sees that these are just the last remaining members of the Justice League:
- Duke Thomas
- Detective Chimp, combined with the body of the Red Tornado
- The living skeleton of Flash (Barry Allen)
- Hawkgirl
- Hawkman (in the form of the Dragon of Barbatos)
- Dragon-Slayer (Dick Grayson)
Taking Zatanna's brush, which has accumulated a huge amount of strong magic, Wayne (-22) immobilizes the heroes and decides to add them to his trophies. After a long monologue, Batman who laughs notices that Richard, resisting the spell, frees the Joker's Dragon from its chains. The latter burns the main character to the ground.
The King of Terror possesses:
- pain resistance
- toxic immunity
- acrobatic skills
- ability to drive any vehicle
- brilliant intelligence
- cosmic awareness
- escapology
- technical innovations
- detective skills
- disguise
- tactical analysis
- leadership
- peak human power
- peak human strength
- peak human stamina
- peak human reflexes
- magic
Also the main character is:
- greatest detective in the world
- former leader of the Dark Knights
- acrobat
- martial artist
- well-aimed shooter
Bruce's downside is vulnerability to Nth metal.
Wayne's equipment is:
- any firearm
- black kryptonite
- cards made of Nth metal
- visor made of Nth metal
- chains made of Nth metal
- Zatanna 's brush
I hope you will appreciate it.
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