Get the girl

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)

Duties of a man

If you were born with a cock, congratulations, you earned the God-given rights to reign over your life. If you are the type of guy who enjoys taking the back seat... tough cookie, you won't get far in this life. The truth is, being a man was never intended to be easy by design. If it were, we'd endanger the survival of our species by allowing "lazy" and "retarded" genes to be passed on to our doomed descendants. Unfortunately, this is why slut shaming is a thing. It is a woman's duty to be selective of their breeding partners, just as it's a man's duty to improve his qualifications and "earn his right to breed". This is what everything in life ultimately boils down to - we are all horny motherf**kers.

Despite our disconnect from the animal kingdom, "survival of the fittest" and "natural selection" still rings true because it improves our chance of survival as a species. The only difference being that we as a human race no longer needs to measure success by the size of your biceps, how many sexual partners you've had or how many battles you've won (some men still use this primitive measuring stick). Fortunately, in the 21st century, there are other more civilized ways to measure success such as your job title, wealth and material possessions. While those things will certainly get you laid, they will not necessarily lead to a more fulfilling life. To achieve true happiness you must fulfill your role as a man. A capable man is a giver, provider, and nurturer to everyone under his care. Nothing is more attractive and manlier than a man who is capable of providing for his loved ones, period (just ask any women and they will tell you it's true).

Nice guys finish last

The saying "Nice guys finish last" is one we all heard before because as awful as this notion is, there is some truth to this cliche. The universe will not give you something in return for being nice and the problem lies in that expectation of a fair exchange. A good example would be expecting a girl to sleep with you just because you bought her drinks. The difference between a gentleman and a boy is that a gentleman is nice by choice because he wants to be and he doesn't expect anything in return.

Society puts a lot of pressure on a man to become successful, however, you shouldn't view it as something negative. Instead, begin by changing your mindset to view things in a positive light. To become a man is to face the challenges of the world with optimism. Knowing that failure part of the journey and will only make you stronger.

Be a little selfish, it's OK

If you are a man stuck in a rut and are unsure of where you're headed in this life, look inward for self-improvement and stop seeking validation from the outside world. If there ever was a time to be selfish, this would be it. Chase your dreams and find something to be passionate about in life and opportunities will come to you. Constantly look for ways to improve yourself and you'll see in time not only your confidence will increase but also you'll attract more friends and potential mates. You'll naturally become a better conversationalist because you'd have been through "living" and have exciting stories to tell. Some examples of great habits to have are reading, working out, traveling and meditation.


Below are five manliness rules I've devised and believe every man should follow:

1.) Put yourself first, make sure you're needs are met before caring for others.
2.) Chase your dreams and live with passion. Nothing is sexier than a man who knows what he wants.
3.) Stand up for your own beliefs and don't be afraid of confrontation. People will respect you for it.
4.) Be unconditional when you give and don't expect anything in return.
5.) Never disrespect or hurt women.

If you live according to these golden rules you will find your quality of life will drastically improve as it had done for me.
The catch 22 of being a man is to focus inward and constantly pursuing greatness and greatness will follow (and of course, you'll be on your way to get the girl).

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