Meet the Artists!

in art •  7 years ago 

                                                                 YOU ARE KIND OF A BIG DEAL!

What is art to you? Are only spaztastic people with nutty personalities and wild hair artists? Or does Artist even have a face at all? Art has a face and it is stitched so cosmically universal... worn by all. 

The artist in ALL is so amazing to experience! EVERYONE is a masterpiece, containing a life force of creativity waiting to explode all over, for the world to experience rushes of inspiration! Shower me in the tears of your worries, that shit is art ! Dry me off with your maternal manners, that shit is art! Play out how bad your bite is, show us how you rumble... show us how you tumble... that shit is art!

This human experience is art! It comes in numbers, words, language, movement, experience, creating, connection. We are the artists and we are making the art! I hear people say "I'm not creative"," I wish I was creative like that!" When really that person makes people laugh and puts a smile on a heart and offers a hand to hold... WOW! Literally this person is inducing TRANSFORMATION for the world and the inhabitants of it! Just by being authentic and using their heart!

That is the ultimate ART - whatever your heart makes you do, and when your heart and mind link up in a proportional alignment you get nothing but fire works lighting up the night sky! 


                                                                 YOU ARE KIND OF A BIG DEAL!

Your followers don't value up to who you are, your character and the love in your heart makes up who you are and shows what you value. Wake up in the morning and start out by praising the day and yourself. What I like to do in the morning I will wave at my self in the mirror and say good morning beautiful ! Just like any other human, I come with deep scarred insecurities that are essential to overcome if I want to be the best version of myself. So I look at myself with loving eyes and remind myself of how much love I have to give to the world and myself. This helps remind me to exchange old bad habited ways of thinking and hand out thoughtful expressions when moments come up in my day. 


                                                               YOU ARE KIND OF A BIG DEAL!

Sometimes I go back and forth with how awesome I am to thinking I need to be at some other level than I am now. It is very healthy to assimilate your position in life, to look for new avenues to expand. Too much dabbling in the Area 51 of your mind may bring out lower vibrational tendencies. I am finding out to listen to the intuitive pull, don't anticipate, just do. Sometimes it is a lot easier said than done but you aren't racing anyone... You came here to be the best version of you... that is why we can be hard on ourselves and others at times, a sense of unsatisfaction with our current physical, spiritual, mental placement. 


                                                              YOU ARE KIND OF A BIG DEAL!

You are so powerful! Really, you are ! Story time:

So I was in a very aggressive situation where this man was being super sexually aggressive with me and I kept saying "NO! STOP!" and he wasn't deactivating his intense sexual fire so I just stopped, I stopped everything in me... head in hands, vision blacked out. I took a deep breath and got in touch with my higher self and prayed. I swear to God, in that instant of me tuning in he stopped... 

He repeated to me a few times "WOW! You are powerful!" He just stopped, and his conversation was leading to a respected and praised space. I remember being like "wtf" because in that instance of it all I felt a jolt... I don't really know how to explain the feeling but it came with an understanding. After it all was over I was left kind of in a haze of what the fuck just happened! 

We have the power to change our outcome, and the key is to get in touch with that silent knowing within yourself. When we are constantly talking and reaching at ourselves we can't grasp the moments full potential so we often react instead of be proactive.  

                                                              YOU ARE KIND OF A BIG DEAL! 

You are your own Artist, constructing your life everyday! Good fuckin job! Be proud of yourself and the art you create! The world is so grateful for the inspiration that is extended out of your being! Thank you all steemians who have taken the time to read through! May your day be filled with love and magic ! 

-With lots of Love,

Devin Lucretia

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