Bee Of An Island By EdgarsArt

in art •  7 years ago 

My first time I have made or even tried to make a keep up photography with any kind of living creature. It just so happened today that while exploring one of Norwsys most beautiful islands I came across these beautiful here and tried not to catch some,but to silently capture them in action. One of them. And so these are the results of that attempt!

I am really satisfied about the result and the island itself let me make tend of pictures not even talking about the in that moment experience,so the bees were like a piece of a cake which I got too. I hope you enjoy these hard working been in a middle of nowhere really!




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You've done an amazing job in capturing the bees! :) I literally tried doing the same today, to capture some bees in action but only one picture ended up looking somewhat decent :)) I love how you've captured these!

Oh I know that feeling. I also had around 5 outtakes from this one

Hey! These are some great shots! I've come no where close to any as good as these. ❤