Lynx. The series is "Rustles of the taiga". See the drawing process.

in art •  8 years ago  (edited)

Lynx (fragment)
Cardboard, rapidogram, chalk.
Diploma. Series - "Rustles of the taiga"
Work on, diploma, sketches, development.

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Real artwork by an artist.

Your work is very fine @elenasteem.

Thanks for the share and do stay in touch.

thank you!

You're welcome

I recently started following you, and your posts are awesome :) keep it up! @ronaldmcatee

Amazing! thanks for sharing with us! seeing your work encouraged me to start drawing again! :)

many thanks!

Hi! That's a really nice drawing, and quite a lot of detail in the branches behind de lynx. I also like how the little pup is hidden in the shadows of the branches, took some time for me to notice him. Good work, look forward to seeing more of your drawings!

Thank you very much friend! I am very pleased with your words. I will try to surprise you in the future! thanks again!

Awesome @elenasteem just give you up vote

thank you!


thank you!

It's just brilliant! Congratulations!

thank you!

Very very interesting thankyou for sharing @elenasteem. Hi all friends, may I ask your help to advance my posting by voting in my post. I really appreciate the arrival of the seniors of steemit in my post. . Thank you very much.

many thanks!

many thank! upped!

Very nice..

many thanks!

Amazing....Very nice..
I Like You post. Great art

many thanks!

I am your follower :) and u know that ? your posts are super, post more like these! @ronaldmcatee

many thanks! OK

Awesome art.You deserve for vote.Please check my post.

Thank you! OK

Looks sooo much good. Incredible...😍

Check out my drawings too at my blog please.. Please have a look at

thank you! upped


thats what You call an artist

i Think you know, i am your follower :) that's because i like your posts :) @ronaldmcatee

Magnificent drawing) I do not know how to do it and honestly you surprised me) I like to draw but I usually use my drawings for animations and I process the image already at the computer, and I do not know how to do this by hand)

thank you friend!