More about contemporary art...

in art •  8 years ago 

Our century suffers from kitsch art dressed up in pretty words, called stories. Art used to stand on it's own and every viewer could read their own story into it and now people make up stories and try to create art around it...and the art in and of itself says a BIG FAT NOTHING!

Today I saw a large piece of so-called art with a couple of badly done circles and a line and some folds on paper randomly placed. Boring as hell. But then the Gallery Director told a long story of how this artist asked her young son to paint some grapes then proceeded to copy the markings he made. My first thought was that one shouldn't steal one's child art outright even if it is brilliant which this clearly wasn't and secondly if one has no inspiration of one's own as an artist one should quit and take up some other profession. On sale for 6 K at Clint Roenisch gallery.

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Oh, you mean like stacking up a bunch of Campbell's soup cans or filming a movie called 'sleep'?

All art that needs a written explanation to amount to anything doesn't interest me.

Me neither @ocrdu.

I'd buy it for 6k satoshi

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Is that so? @nepd.
Better get your son to make up one for free.

I can't believe the art gallery accepted the child's work or dared to tell that story to anyone.

believe it is true @pitterpatter
and thanks for your funny...

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007.gif far not scared...