RE: Equipment for sketching and tips for ‘on site’ drawing

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Equipment for sketching and tips for ‘on site’ drawing

in art •  8 years ago 

Hello, @urbanart88! I found you on Steemit Chat.

This post is great because I also enjoy "urban sketching". It's interesting to see the tools other artists use when they are creating their work. You said,

I switched to using pen as oppose to pencil because it helped me to LOOK at my subject more closely and really makes me study the perspective in front of me, thus improving accuracy.

Well put!

I love looking back at my older pen/ink sketches to see just how much I've improved my accuracy. It's very satisfying to find perfection in the quick, little details captured during a session.

In many ways I prefer using ink only (rather than pencil, ink, eraser) for the very same reasons as you. Initially it was a difficult transition from pencil's "safety net", but well worth the trepidation. Thanks again, and

Happy Drawing

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Hi @enternamehere - thanks for your comments, brilliant to meet another "urban sketcher" where do you like sketching?

Pencil allows you to think too much and, as you said, have a "safety net". If you know you cant rub it out you're going to improve quicker is my theory! It's also great to look back at your older work and see the improvement.

Thanks again for your post, will follow you with interest!

All the best!

The closest urban area to me is DFW (Dallas-Ft. Worth), and I have yet to travel to another big urban setting with a field kit.

Last year I bought this book: on Amazon, and it really helped push me beyond my "limits".

Perhaps next I should check out The Art of Urban Sketching, since it looks like a great guide. But then again, I think nature-scapes are a lot of fun too!

Take care, thank you for the chat :)

Nice, try the Urban Sketching book, hopefully it will inspire you! good luck :)