The Exotic Hypnotic Snakecharmer- NSFW- Day 1- Work in Progress (steps)

in art •  8 years ago 

Last night i began coloring this print of the Exotic Hypnotic. This is the last print that i have left of this drawing, and i am planning to complete the coloring and get it framed for the show this weekend. 

I spent several hours last night laying down the colors on this cutie, and i am planning to finish her, and make a adorable custom frame for her :) 


Follow me and watch for the finished product! 

Thanks for checking out my art! Happy Steeming! 

Namaste! SO MUCH LOVE! 

Evening Star 

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     /    _\      HELLO THIS IS A MESSAGE FROM THE FUTURE             
    /    (={)     THE YEAR IS 2023                                    
   /     /_/      SHIT IS PRETTY MUCH THE SAME, TV STILL SUCKS        
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 \ \._) `  \       (             MY NAME IS "RANDOM DUMB BITCH"       
  \_/(`-..-'L       )     I WANTED TO EXPRESS THAT I WISH I HADN'T    
    / `\_(   L\,--.'      POSTED MY FULL BODY AND FACE ON /R/GONEWILD/
    > --'`--  \\ (_)      IT'S MAKING IT REALLY HARD TO GET A JOB NOW 
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