"Euphoria"....ART, HEART AND SOUL.......No. 27......Meditative Wisdom Through Sustainable Art!!!

in art •  7 years ago 

Have you ever felt like you are living in two worlds?

I remember when I used to feel like that. There was the reality I was living...tangible... somewhat predictable...what was expected.

And there was this other part of me that knew something different that I was silently living inside...open ended...on the edge... questioning everything...in touch with another possible reality.
I remember walking and talking with a friend of mine who was a nurse.  She lived a very "normal/traditional" type of life, the way most professionals I knew did. I could relate to her world, as I too had lived in the world doing the things I was supposed to do, and being who I was supposed to be, according to the way we were trained.

And while we walked, and talked, I could feel myself splitting more clearly in two. The more days we walked, the more time I had for contemplation of who I was in this life, and the further I slipped away from my tangible world and into another.

I began to feel what I had known as a child and had left behind. I began to remember that things are not what they seem, but that there was really much more going on than I could describe or was living.

I created this soul card with old magazines on recycled matte board.

I had to take a long, hard look at myself.
There I was - split in two.
I could no longer deny that I wasn't living my soul's purpose,
nor was I able to live completely in my old world,
as I began to acknowledge something more.

I had to find a way to heal myself again.

Though I continued to live my then present physical reality for some time, my heart and soul were called to begin acting on this new found/old knowing reality. I had to let go of what I thought I knew, what had been shown to me, and embrace my inner feelings with faith.

When I finally let go...
Much of what I knew disappeared --
Including my best walking friend, my marriage and  my perceptions.

It was scary.
I felt alone.
And at the same time, there was much that felt more familiar than ever.  

I muddled around for awhile questioning my existence,
until things just freshly began to fall into place.
I opened to new possibilities, new opportunities, and new perspectives. 

My clean slate was waiting for me to build upon it again.  
I tuned into my remembered awareness,
and started making conscious choice based on my own dreams.

Everything got better as I listened to my soul.
I chose to walk with the higher version of myself -- that other half.
That set me on a path of questioning and re-choosing everything.

I am incredibly supported on this journey through consciousness
as I live my everyday existence at the @gardenofeden.
Together we are stretching, re-creating,
and challenging ourselves to live the best life possible.
We have been shown greater possibility and are choosing to

When I started to write this post, I thought I was going to be able to describe this walk between worlds. But it really isn't so easy to put into words. I hope that once you have experienced it for yourself, you will understand, and be able to read between the lines of my writings.

I am eternally grateful to @quinneaker who has shared the power of this life of freedom. As visionary and founder of the @gardenofeden he has shared his vision with thousands. Quinn definitely walks the walk in that "other world" where infinite potential resides.

Check out my recent post about presenting at the Creators Conference in Las Vegas.  I'm excited to support this community and share my experience of my journey on Steemit through art, and how it can help you find your niche when doing what you love.  

@quinneaker and @saramiller will be in Las Vegas at the Creators Conference too.  Quinn is the keynote presenter and also sharing his SteemPowered Success Series.  Sara will share the Officially Official Yoga!

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I so know what you mean that dichotomy of existence can really hit you sometimes. I even feel sometimes like what appear as outside sources (our current storms that have knocked us out of power and even broken generator so I was stripped to the core of a cold being shivering in a drafty house) is a sort of wake up to from your own subconscious making your 'reality' vastly stripped down so you can see the core of where you are and ask yourself: Is this the right place the right path? Do I need to follow and listen more to the other side of me that usually does not steer me wrong?

It's funny, too, because art is always there for me to lead me back into the correct path.

Making art of any kind helps me to feel whole.

That is the way it is!!! Sometimes it takes a disaster or a life changing event, and sometimes it's just a crack in existence where another truth seeps through. Art is for me also one of those things that awakens. I'm so grateful for the vastness of creation! Thanks for your comment @donnadavisart. It's great to hear perspective from a co-creator!

You are talking about an abstract topic so I can understand how hard to put it into words.. For your question yeah I feel the same.. I have a life that I live in which I have responsibilities, expectations, routines etc. And inside me there is another world that I live.. I am free there. I am thinking whatever I want..

I believe that is true to many. Now the real trick is, how do we make that space of freedom our reality!!

There’s this REALITY life that you know you have to live because it’s how the world will work in your favor. Then there‘s this other life, that life you want to live. The one that makes you feel most like yourself.

I feel stuck somewhere in between my old life and my new life. What is going on and why didn’t I keep the feeling of being in control and watching my life get better. I'm caught between 2 worlds - The world I've created for myself & the world society expects me to live in. The world where I'm a loner & dislike having other humans in my personal space & the world which expects me to get married & also have kids.

Keep thinking things like this is absolutely mind fucking. I try to see things as they arre which is peace.

There is indeed a reality we have come to know and believe that it works in our favor, but I think in truth it is actually holding us back. We get stuck in the belief that this is the way, as that is all we and society have ever known or been shown. And because everyone else is doing it, we are expected to do it too.

But following our own inspiration speaks to our soul, and will get us out of the mind fuck. It's a huge challenge and takes a lot of personal bravery to embrace the life of one's dreams. The walk between worlds is a very fine line, but once we stick our toes, our feet, our hands our legs.....over the line, we can experience a taste of the dream and know it is there whenever we choose. It is possible, and we can do it whenever we dedicate our lives to it.

As I read your words I felt as though it was me you were speaking about! I still find myself in-between these two worlds. At times I find it difficult to let go of certain relationships even when I know they are not serving me. It is something I see as a process and I have learned to be gentle with myself during this process. I really enjoyed reading your post and it warms my soul knowing there are others who share similar thoughts and feelings as I do. Thank you for the inspiration! :)

I often feel that what it really comes down to, once we realize how some things are not serving us and how things could be better if we challenged ourselves to make change, is that we don't actually believe we deserve it and are afraid of our own power. Most of us on a deep level don't love ourselves enough to give ourselves the best. It takes a lot of personal responsibility to create the life of our dreams, as we have to hold ourselves accountable to making that happen. If we thought we were worthy, we would be doing it without question.

I've also seen it as a process, sometimes baby steps at a time, and I've also had the realization that it could be instantaneous , so to not be attached to dragging it out unnecessarily. Being loving with yourself regardless is a wise choice.

Thanks for the comment @earthgoddess. You indeed are not alone!

how amazing [email protected] post..😃

Thanks @brandenstark.

you r most wlcm

you arfe we;lvomee