This quote is probably the beginning of a whole new adventure with my wife Yoshi. Whithout being able to reveal to much of it for now, let's say it's the beginning of a new thing.
My connection with art has always be, I would say, natural. So natural that I don't really consider have ever been doing anything else than creating things in my entire life so far. Mainly not with my hands, but more with my eyes and my mind. Something was probably missing in my journey, something or I would rather say someone.
Thanks to the Universe, I have been lucky enough to find this being, she is called Yoshi and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. She is the absolute completion to me, and thanks to her, I now know where to direct my life. I know that with I will be able to fulfill my deepest and craziest dreams and adventures, this is probably just because she completes me so perfectly.
She is the perfect living representation of this quote :
Make Your Life an Artpiece
She creates magic everyday with her own hands and mind, designing beautiful outfits and accessories that make people dream, allowing them to become what they often secretly want to be without daring affirming it.
I wish to any person in this world to have the chance to meet someone like Yoshi, She is the best thing that happened in my life, and I admire her everyday more and more !
I am Eyegasm aka GBK, I take pictures, videos and creates things with my mind !
Follow me here and you can also have a look at my work here :
Here is the work of Yoshi :