Prewedding 2

in art •  7 years ago 


Kalau Hipwee Wedding sendiri menganggap prewedding itu ritual yang cukup penting demi menambah keromantisanmu dan pasangan, khususnya waktu-waktu mendekati hari pernikahan. Apapun pose dan di manapun lokasinya, foto prewedding akan lebih berkesan jika kamu dan pasanganmu sama-sama menikmatinya. Seperti beberapa pasangan dari Korea yang melakukan sesi foto prewedding dengan cara sederhana namun romantis ini //

If Hipwee Wedding itself considers prewedding a ritual that is important enough to add romance and your partner, especially the time to approach the wedding day. Whatever the poses and wherever location, prewedding photos will be more memorable if you and your partner both enjoy it. Like some couples from Korea who do prewedding photo sessions in this simple yet romantic way //



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