My Simple Artwork 2D With A Coin | BOXING

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hallo, as always and stick to my stance, do not bore me sharing new ideas for the steemian community. This post will tell you how to combine coins with 2D images.

Translate Indonesian language
Hallo, seperti biasa dan tetap pada pendirian, tidak bosan-bosan saya membagikan ide baru untuk masyarakat steemian. Postingan kali ini saya akan memberitahukan anda bagaimana proses menggabungkan koin dengan gambar 2D.

Two coins before I combine with images

Translate Indonesian language
Dua koin sebelum saya gabungkan dengan gambar

Then the next coin I bend

Translate Indonesian language
Kemudian koin berikutnya saya bengkokkan

2D Drawing pen on paper

Translate Indonesian language
Gambar 2D pulpen diatas kertas

Then I combined the image directly with 2 coins

Translate Indonesian language
Kemudian gambar tersebut langsung saya gabungkan dengan 2 koin

The end result after the merge

Translate Indonesian language
Hasil akhir setelah pengabungan

Ok, so many of my simple works, I hope you like and be entertained, thank you for coming, and see you in the imagination next.

Translate Indonesian language
Ok, sekian karya sederhana saya, semoga anda suka dan terhibur, terima kasih sudah datang, dan sampai jumpa di imajinasi seanjutnya.

Come on, support my art type, unlimited creativity greeting.

Translate Indonesian language
Ayo, dukunglah jenis seni saya, salam kreativitas tanpa batas.

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You are really very talented in this field, I have seen many of your post. Everything seems alive.You are a genius, painting with objects. It is very cool.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you a lot for support me every day, and thank u for coming on my post.

Keep up the good work. I like seeing your creativity.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Okay @jrvacation, thank u for always support me, have a nice day to you.

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thank u @artzone

sat gawat lago bg keren bg.

Trimong gnaseh bg :D