I'll always like the MESSAGE. It doesn't matter where I'll find it.

in art •  9 years ago  (edited)
  • in a street BRANDALISM movement (brandalism: vandalism against brands):

More than informing us about a product, the advertiser seeks to shape our understanding of what it means to be happy, beautiful, and successful: What it means to fit in and be accepted, what it means to stand out from the crowd and be our own person, and what it means to have fun.

Advertising is not about catering to existing needs, but creating new desires. Not only desires, but insecurities as well, because we cannot desire without feeling like we lack something. The production process for these desires is never achieved within a single advert, it is the accumulation of countless small, subtle messages fed to us every day.

In doing so, advertising creates new kinds of people. Rather than the advert describing a product, we are the product the advertiser is making.


  • in the work of a painter

The paintings of J. Kote are symphonies of light and color. They are lyrically stunning and romantic, edgy and current. Kote achieves this delicate balance of seemingly contradictory qualities through his complete mastery in technique, and through years of experimenting to find his own unique style.


  • in the work of a photographer


or just as a fine piece of music.

All this are MESSAGES.

Look at what Banks & Steelz have to say:

Novus ordo seclorum E pluribus unum

(Out of many, one)

They changing climates
And replacing humans
And fracking soils
While bulldozing forests
But they can’t defeat us
They cannot destroy us.

Are we dreaming the same dream?

(Of money, guns, and gasoline?)
And nicotine for the average teen

But there is a hope. We are the hope.

‘Cause we are

With the heart of David, YOU KNOW IT TAKES JUST ONE

What about the out-of-this-planet-message of Jamie xx ?

Planet Earth. Mars. [ ... We are all HUMANS ... ]

[ about Brandalism ]
[ the shoot ]
[ the painter: Josef Kote ]

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So sexy

I agree only 1000 %. Just 1000 %. :)

Isnt the whole idea of brandalism placing the onus on the wrong party?
If you are accusing advertisement of manipulating and shaping peoples desires for profit, aren't you then giving up responsibility for yourself? Arent you saying that you are allowing your desires to be manipulated by a piece of paper, or a video, or a jingle?

I've made the same comment that consumerist and envious thinking are a detriment to society, but my view is the onus is on the individual not to run with it.

A piece of advertising is just as much art, as any other piece of artwork. Art is in the eye of the beholder after all.

Nope, I disagree for 75 % of your response.

Yes, the ultimate responsibility is ours, the consumers. Of course.
But what subversive ads ?
Please tell me if this is just an ordinary ad:

What about bombarding with slick messages all day long on every channel (TV, radio, Internet, bus-stations, etc) ?
Even if you can ignore them, you can’t avoid them. The average Londoner sees 3,500 marketing messages a day. While one might only pause to scrutinise a few of them, the assertions about what it means to be good looking, sophisticated or respectable are rammed home one after the other through a barrage of images.

What about lying in ads ? Hiding the main characteristics of a product and emphasizing only the desired ones ? What about focusing an ad and "selling it" to a vulnerable social group (elders: see teleshopping channels, children: see placing ads for the adult's eyes and ears on cartoon channels).

And I didn't start talking about the monopoly. That is the key in brandalism.

By the way, do you know this guy ?

"Paul Mazur, a Wall Street banker working for Lehman Brothers during the great economic slump of the 1930s, is cited as declaring “We must shift America from a needs to a desires-culture. People must be trained to desire, to want new things, even before the old have been entirely consumed. […] Man’s desires must overshadow his needs.”

:) this industry is not a small, insignificant one.

Oh i agree that its not small and insignificant, and i'm well aware of subversive advertising.
My point is the magic doesn't work if you're aware of it. So the best thing is to educate oneself to avoid being sold stuff.

I have a hard time holding anything against someone who is merely acting in their own self interest. Do you also have a problem with the small business owner who uses advertising to help support his family. Intrinsically its no different, aside from the fact that corporate ads are more sophisticated.

Yes, the brandalism is about the monopoly. I like ads, but I don't like the monopoly of the big corporations.