🚪 Turning Trash into a Time Machine ♻️ Building Guerrilla Art in the Park

in art •  5 years ago  (edited)

I built a Time Portal in the Park

I found some timber on the trash and turned it into this:


dachlattenportal time-portal street-art guerrilla-art title-image original art and photography by fraenk


yeah, ok... that's obviously photoshopped.


So, a few weeks ago I was taking an evening walk past the local university campus, which is currently undergoing some serious renovation, and I noticed a small pile of scrap construction timber just laying there on the trash.

"Nice free building materials!" I thought to myself as I walked on. It didn't take more than a minute, maybe just a few dozen steps later, I had already decided: "I really need to make something from those!"

I called my good friend @isnogud, because whenever I need a brother in crime, he's my go-to-guy. And sure enough, no questions asked, he was down for helping me create some guerrilla art later that night.

We met up after dark and brainstormed over a few puffs about where and what we were going to set up. The campus is right next to the city's central park, so that was an easy decision, and I knew that there was only a rather finite amount of material so it had to be something basic, maybe like a door-frame growing out of the ground?!

I scribbled a rough plan and shortly after midnight we had packed a cordless drill, a small handsaw, a box of screws and off we went to our little adventure.

We hauled all the clean looking slats out from the campus with the help of my old skateboard, climbed a little fence as a shortcut into the park, and just a few hours later we had the portal standing upright, neatly in between two beautiful large trees.

Here are some pictures I took the next day:


dachlattenportal time-portal street-art guerrilla-art original art and photography by fraenk


dachlattenportal time-portal street-art guerrilla-art original art and photography by fraenk


dachlattenportal time-portal street-art guerrilla-art original art and photography by fraenk


The portal stood there like this for maybe two or three days. Then, one morning I walked past it and the top of the frame had broken apart. My theory is that some teenagers were trying to show of their manly strength by doing pull-ups in the frame, but I don't really know, that's just my theory upon seeing the damage.

It's always kind of sad to see your own creation get destroyed, but this portal was never built to last to begin with. It was intended to be just a random, nameless pop-up-installation and I was actually already quite surprised that the city cleaners hadn't already taken it down on day one.

I had taken a picture during the night and then a few more during the next day. I had something in mind for that, too. I made sure to get two shots from the same angle, one at night and a matching one during the day to put them together and complete the time-portal like this:


dachlattenportal time-portal street-art guerrilla-art original art and photography by fraenk


Now that's not all, it does get a bit more complicated, but time-travel isn't supposed to be easy, so pay attention and follow my instructions closely.

If you dare to step through, then walk around, and now approach it again from the same direction, it will look like this:


dachlattenportal time-portal street-art guerrilla-art original art and photography by fraenk


And you could keep doing that over and over and over again.

I'm not even sure if it would take you to the future, the past, or maybe in a circle?!? I never actually tried it myself, I'm not that crazy, I'm not going to mess with the fabric of space and time... I'll leave that to you.

This portal is already broken, damn teens, but you could just build your own! I've hidden the blueprints over on Planet Googly. And if you're quick, posting a copy of them in the comments will probably earn you some SBIs, too.

nobody copied the plans into the comments, so I had to do that myself right here...



Don't throw it away, turn it into art!

or build a time-machine, that's up to you

fraenk avatar
fraenk loves you!

I've used some interesting tags here that I don't usually use. #PALnet is the obvious choice at the moment, tons of active and awesome steemians are active there these days and the possibility to earn extra tokens just by using the tag almost makes this a must! Maybe even more interesting, though, is this #innerblocks tag. I'm not even sure what it really is to be honest but I heard about it on The Ramble and it sounded like a really great curation group that wants to learn more about the building-blocks that make each of us into who we are. I thought this post might fit and I might as well give it a shot, they do have a Discord and a dedicated WebApp, too... but I haven't really looked into either of those much yet.

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@fraenk very cool how you built the structure and made it look like a portal. Heard this on #pypt

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Thanks for checking it out... hanging out on PYPT was a blast... I'm quite intruiged by your dreamy IR pics, too!

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It seem like a machine that wood work :D

lol totally!

knock knock

Who's there?

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

yeah, let's not do that :P

You had a really interesting idea Fraenk and It could perfectly be turned into a teletransport portal as well... I think I'm mad enough to transport myself to so many different places where I would LOVE going to....maybe using this I would even find enough free time to be more active here 😂
As always you made me smile and that's a Big thank you!

Aww... you're such a darling @drakernoise!

Just pick a door and walk through! The journey is only in your mind...

You made me smile, too! Hugs and cuddles back to you!

Thanks for sharing on Pimp Your Post Thursday

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Isn't it awesome to just be Frank with each other?!


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Now THAT is a classic. Great use of found materials, and phenomenal post to follow up on it. (I visually walked in circles, per your suggestion, but all I got was deja vu about being dizzy. Maybe I was doing it wrong. ) Thanks for the most excellent entertainment.

dizziness is probably a common side-effect of traversing the 4th dimension...

so that means you must have done everything exactly right. heh!

If only walking in circles in a major tizzy could be respected in other life-ly endeavours. I'd be grandly successful and on a warm beach right about now...

As a fellow photographer, I have to say, your work is simply AMAZING!
Found this from #pypt @pypt

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Hi bluefinstudios the SHADE tokens are on the way.
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First of all! Your partner in crime name, @isnogud, really reminds me of #isengard! So, maybe you should open the portal to another place! :D
Secondly as I'm getting to know you more, I think those imaginary teens that you accused for breaking the top of the door... De dennn... Moment of truth... One of them was you! (#mnightshyamalan #rickandmorty)! You made a portal to another dimension and time line which led to this! Your teenager self, with his manly strength came to our time line and did this! (I'm not sure how old are you, but I'm sure you are that energetic bomb yet at your current age!).
Another theory for the damage is again YOU! But this time a little more mature and not that testosterone bomb teenager! So you came back to destroy the portal preventing human extinction in year 2020! That's a really close call!!!
Considering the #isengard theory, this could be even #orcs! Okay enough let's keep going!
I like it one thing about the night version of the portal! You paid attention to lighting details! As it's obvious when the portal opens to the daytime, there should be some lighting coming to the current location! And I enjoyed you put time on it so make it more realistic! ♥
Also to hit you again with another moment of truth!

I never actually tried it myself, I'm not that crazy, I'm not going to mess with the fabric of space and time... I'll leave that to you.
You did it man... You did... Not the exact you, another version of you did, who was a little crazier than you! ;) (I'm not sure when I get done with this time travel concept and I can't let you know because I don't know myself!) By the way, what is this #GooglyEyes ?! :D

And last but not least, as a hardcore old aged gamer! I consider a portal should always take you to a place exactly opposite to the where you are!!! So here is my egoistic version of your art!!!


P.S: Please don't judge my art becauce it was a two min craft! :D

Oh my, I love that the post got your imagination rolling there, and taking into account the infinite weirdness of the multiverse... probably all you said is 100% factual truth... somewhere or somewhen :P

Thanks for the appraisal of my photoshop wizardry, that light bleeding in from day-side into the night looks kinda convincing doesn't it... yeah, my teenage self is quite proud of that actually!

Still nobody has copied my blueprints from Planet Googly into the comment section here but at least the "What is #GooglyEyes" mystery has been resolved for you already.

🤣😂 hilarious!

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oh look... a late visitor :D

did you get stuck in the portal there? hehehe... thanks for scrolling down my blog ;)

What an awesome story! I like how you took scraps and made such a wonderful ephemeral art installation in the park! Great job on it, too! This was definitely one of my favorite posts in PYPT this week! Your photos are marvelous, and those last two shots are especially splendid! The night shot is wicked awesome!

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Hi thekittygirl the SHADE tokens are on the way.
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one of my favorite posts in PYPT this week!

awww... that's making me feel all warm and fluffy on the inside. PYPT was a great place to hang and I'm stoked to have received so much engagement on my post through it, too. I'll make sure to check back in this week :D

It was great to see you join us @fraenk .. and btw, @thekittygirl mentioned you'd like to share your contest post each week, feel free to drop it into the channel

Thanks for sharing on Pimp Your Post Thursday

Positive thoughts ..... but i cant built
You can draw , put eten outside on all you pass by and you can built ..... where were you all my steemit life hahahahah

I was right here all along, playing with kittens and bunnies while hiding behind some #googlyeyes

and yes, the plans are #positive-thoughts indeed :D very considerate to be cryptic, that's a good hint and opportunity for someone else to get some more SBI, too ;)

You also have owl’s !!!


Sourced from giphy.com

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You know that is really cool... and kudos to @isnogud for the assistance. Did I mention mad Photoshop skills? Also... you know that @old-guy-photos has a #trashthursday challenge aye? This would have been WONDERFUL for that I believe... Check out this post here to see if this would fit in?

This portal is already broken, damn teens, but you could just build your own! I've hidden the blueprints over on Planet Googly. And if you're quick, posting a copy of them in the comments will probably earn you some SBIs, too.

Darn kids!! Only thing missing is the TARDIS and you are set... oh yes... don't forget to bring a towel...

@isnogud is the best ;)

thanks for the appraisal, I'll check out that @old-guy-photos' #trashthursday thing... what a great tag and it sounds like the right thing to post a few more @snaepshots every now and then!

I always bring a towel!

this is sooooooooooooooooooooo amazing!!!!!

i love how your creativity is displayed here at each stage! heheheh just making this to start - and then developing your idea further!

i agree with @shadowspub :) you should be posting more for us! hehehehe

thanks for sharing this at #pypt! :)

Thanks... and yes I should, I really should...

thanks for being such a lovely and welcoming crowd over at PYPT :D

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Wow, this was beautiful :) you have some very impressive artistic abilities my friend. I love the creativity. How long did that take to build?

and just a few hours later we had the portal standing upright

but I didn't really pay attention to the time passing... time doesn't really matter when you have a time machine in the end anyways, right?! :P

yeah, but i really don't know, took us a moment to haul the timber over the fence but I was home before 4am... I guess the actual building took like two hours maybe... and a big part of that was spent eyeing out where to put the next slat to make the web in the bottom look nice.

Ah, missed that haha my bad. That would be true if you're also immortal haha :p

Wow. That's awesome. I feel like I'd have to spend many hours planning and designing to make something look that good, let alone put it together


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Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


Manually curated by @niallon11.

Hi @fraenk, your post has been upvoted by @bdcommunity! It is a manual curation project from Bangladesh.

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I just saw your PAL move from 17 to 18 after my upvote so my vote does make a difference :O

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

and then ist went to 19 and back to 18 and now it's at 29... i think the palnet.io reward calculation is still a bit wobbly and I take offense in the integer treatment :P

but it's very interesting to see how a vote that's small on steem can be so heavy on PAL

P.S.: oh, i've heard on their discord you currently need ~1800 PAL to generate a 1 PAL reward with your vote

Wow 1800 PAL I am not even at a fourth of that

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engagement challenge ended

unfortunately nobody copied the plans into the comments, so I'll have to do this myself... here they are:


not much of a plan, but yeah, you get the idea ;)

@brittandjosie found the plans on Planet Googly herself and left a good hint for everyone else in her comment, which nobody picked up... but I did get a whole lot of really great engaging and entertaining comments, so I'll send a bunch of you some SBI: @brittandjosie, @mathowl, @drakernoise, @ddschteinn, @hgn66, @wesphilbin, @thekittygirl, @dreemsteem, thanks for being here!

Hehhehe aw thanks! 🤗 See you again on PYPT??

Not sure if I can make it actually, I've also received conflicting information on whether that's going to be at 3 or 4 pm UTC ... either way... I might be on the road at the time but I'll see if I can catch it!