The Bitcoin Soldier; circa 2022

in art •  7 years ago 

Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at 7.30.00 PM.png

The year is 2022. As hyperinflation consumes nearly 90% of countries and nearly all banking cartels begin to crumble, the Global Governments align together to begin bailing them out. Chaos has taken up in the streets across the entire planet.

The United States Marines has split. Many Soldiers and Commanders have gone rogue and aligned with the Freedom For Humanity platform. These soldiers have now begun leading the Resistance in overthrowing the Global Governments and Banking Cartels to finally remove their enslavement of mankind.

Freedom For Humanity Soldiers are equipped with chemical warfare-resistance gear, an advanced exo-skeleton that offers nearly five times the power and strength of a human without the advanced armor, Night-to-Day switch technology (which allows Night Time to be seen as clear Day), and many other resistance features.

If you'd like a print or canvas of a Freedom For Humanity Soldier, they are limited to just 50 worldwide (only one size available, 24x36 inches). You can find them available here:

Copyright 2018 Lynx Art Collection

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Looks fantastic, and I love the concept. I was just commenting to a coworker that I feel like I live in a cyberpunk dystopia - trading in digital cryptocurrency and spending my free time plugged into virtual reality gaming.

nice artwork