no one will
stop your fall
from the edge of space
to nothingness
those tears in the eye of the storm
which cut the warmth of the face
will penetrate even deeper
and you will collect them firmly
in the corners of your lips
because in that chasm
over which we shout
even though we don’t hear each other
fall newborns
and their cry
turns into hush
and if you ever
wonder again
remember that he
lights a cigarette long to the ground
in flames over the ruins
the wind which breaks
birds’ wings
spreads the fire
while a flock of birds
makes circles in the sky
in panic
the clouds of smoke
hid the beams of
the sun hurts
our eyes
there’s nothing
new here
they said again
in the morning news
photography: Sebastiao Salgado - Genesis
translation: Darko Djordjevic
poet: Bogdan Cvetkovic