Art Gail: Self-Portrait using Watercolor Cake

in art •  6 years ago 

Worked on with Watercolor and Watercolor Cake

It has been a month ago since I showcased here my latest artwork and artwork process, though I had been working on some on canvases, I was not in a great mood to do so.

The link can be found here . It was an entry for an #artexplosion contest.

Anyhow, that has been quite too long and now I suppose I am back on track on sharing my quick sketches and artworks. For those who do not know it yet, I really am into quick processes in making art pieces. I could not explain why but I have always been patiently impatient in using my brushes and color pencils.

I had also been so hooked up with watching The Good Doctor. My brother got me so crazy over it. I do not know why I am seem so amaze with it eversince.

Now shall we get started?

Used Fabre Castell F pencil on sketching

The subject for this moment is self-portrait since it has been a long time since I try to replicate my face using different art technique. I also started hating myself few hours after cutting my hair short because it made me feel so ugly. Nga naman, ang pagsisisi ay nasa huli talaga.

For this one, I wanted to try the anime concept. I had been teaching this one as well during Summer Art Class but this has yet to be my most hated portion since I had been having a hard on drawing anime the moment I was introduced with painting.

I used my F pencil, a led type that does not produced strong drawing while using it for sketching, for making the eyes. Usually, in making an anime character, one tends to conceive that when it is sideview, the other eye which is far from the perspective should be smaller. I must say, the size should remain (length) but its width should be thinner than the one closer to the perspective or observer's view.

I then started adding the rest of the details such as the small nose (which I suppose I do not really have), messy hair, and small lips.

When I started stroking my paint brush with different colors, I was not sure though how it would turn out but I continued anyway. Because if I won't, it would be a waste then. The used the light colors first on my palette. This one is more of an experiment since I do not have any idea how it should look like in the end.

I used my thin Japanese brush to outline the artwork with color brown. Make sure that when you paint, you have a sepaate container for mixed color, water for cleaning the brush (both light and dark colors), and water for changing the opacity of the color and using it as the paint may be sticky like in a tube or something like Prang or watercolor tube.

A technique with watercolor is actually not trying to fill everything on the artwork space with is. As you can see, I left spaces for the eyes so that it would look more appealing and more human.

As you can also observe, I made the lips red because I have a crazy obssession with red lips particularly matte. Faux freckles has also been added since it is anime, you could always customize your character.

When done, I added my favorite phrase and then wrote my pen name here in steemit using the same brush.

I do hope I made sense to all of you my readers and friends accross the globe. I hope to work with some portraits. By the way, did you enjoyed today's art piece? I hope you did.

@gailbelga or Johanna Gail is a free-spirited freelance artist. She took up Bachelor of Arts in International Studies in one of the Ateneo universities in the Philippines. She is currently a candidate for Masters in Public Administrations. She volunteers in various non-profit/nongovernmental organization which aims for human rights through political education. She draws and writes about the country to provide awareness and promote the Philippines to foreign tourists.
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Wow. How talented you are.! I wish I could paint too

Thank you for the compliment dear. You can by practice.

I always keep on practicing. You'll be my inspiration :)

Oh that is so sweet of you kat =)

beautifully done. I hope I can make one that looks like me too. :)

I made up a new one too. Hope you could check it out too @robiney. Have a great day.