Striped Girl For "Sketchbook Saturday Contest"

in art •  6 years ago 

Sometimes, i really like drawing with pencil colour. Pencil colour make me enjoying every moment when i colouring the sketch.

I really easy to bore, so some times i wanna try something new, new technicque and different drawing.

And now, i trying to drawing striped girl. I drawing with mechanic pencil, and water colour.

Hope you like it.


How To Draw?







I will include this picture for the contest Sketchbook Saturday that hosted by @sndbox @critday @archisteem.

Thanks for watching.


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beautiful work Gethachan <3

Thank you miss @adelepazani <3

Keren banget dek..

Hehe iya dong harus keren, biar bisa keren seperti kak@fararizky hehe

Hehehe... Project kita kolaborasi buat buku, blm kesampaian ya dek.

Oh iya ,ayo atuh kpan mulai ka hehe
Klo ga dimulai ga bakalan beres berea atuh hehe

Saya ikut lah, hehe

Ayo dek


Makasih dek :)

Keren, Kak. 😍😍

Makasih ka :)

Keren banget mbak...

Makasih mbak sarah 😍