Introducing GreenEyesSee

in art •  7 years ago 


Greetings steemit community.

This image is a piece of original art created by yours truly. I feel this is the best way for me to break the ice and show you a little of myself. This painting was produced last year (2017) using acrylic paints on canvas. I have titled the piece "Ma". The thought going into this painting is the concept that ma is a pretty universally used word meaning the same thing virtually to everyone. Yes the image is figurative and there is more one could read into it than the premise of it's creation. I will leave that to you as I feel that is part of the magic of art and there is a bit more I would like to cover in the process of introducing myself.

I am excited to be here and contribute to the growing steemit community. There are several different things to contribute aside from the art I produce (which is not limited to painting). I am an artist at heart and this is the reason I have a variety of subjects I plan to blog about.

Art doesn't pay my bills. What has, in my recent past, has been cultivating Cannabis. I know that laws here in North America have changed allot in the past 5 years (both sides of the border). There are many locations that are now or very soon to allow the use and cultivation of cannabis for recreational and/or medical purposes. It is my plan to put use the several years I have spent learning to cultivate by sharing what I know with you. Of course there are many well written sources and there are many ways to go about having a successful garden. It is wise for one to be educated heading into this endeavor so read everything you can reference. What I hope to offer is a guide which will make growing on a small personal scale a very rewarding experience while keeping ones costs to a minimum.

Personal photo edited using Dreamscope

Philosophy is compelling to me. I, not unlike many others, have not had a smooth and easy ride through life. There seems to be another problem ready to surface even if I haven't resolved those I've already been dealt. This leaves me not feeling so pleasant and pondering the nature of life. Philosophy has been a source of quelling those hard feelings left by the encounters of life's difficulties, and as well provided a sense of morality and meaningfulness. I'd like to highlight some thoughts shared by (imho) great minds and possibly get into some discussions about their contributions. I'll just leave a photo of Allan Watts here as I have been enjoying listening to his lectures via youtube.

Allan Watts, photo source Wikipedia.

Other peoples art and music has much impact on me. I find it to be some of the most enriching aspects of life. If we had no expressions of creativity to experience, ponder, and marvel, then our little planet Earth would be quite a dreadful place. I'd love to share and reflect with you the steemit community things that stand out to me in the worlds of the arts. We all are different in many ways and have our own subjective take on any particular piece of work. Through sharing and commenting on different creations using this platform we all stand to enrich our experience and grow in our own forms of expression.

Me standing in front of a Jackson Pollock at the SFMoMA.

I'll put things out for you to read or scroll past as you feel. I make no claims to be a someone to be taken too seriously. I will share my insights, opinions, and knowledge openly with the intention to help and connect with others honestly! Just a human here on earth. If you think you'll like seeing what I produce remember to follow and leave me a comment or ask me question.

See I'm no bot ;)

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