Art as present. 100% success guarantee ;)

in art •  7 years ago 

Hello Artists!

Imagine- You woke up all relaxed and happy after 9 hour sleep. Slowly u get out of comfortable, warm bed. Few moments later in kitchen you are making this great tasting coffee. You turn your mobile on, and then u see...
Your friend has birthday today! Aaa what to do, what to do?

As creative person, take whatever u have at your range. Grab pen, paint or spray. Turn your friend photo on Facebook, and you are ready to make:
THE Best present he will get today!

Dimitris Michele I wish u all the best!

That is the most personal gift u can perform.
Peace of art, that only he have <3
Wish you all the best in this lovely day guys!

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Świetny prezent. Chciałbym kiedyś mieć takie umiejętności, aby robić takie prezenty. Jak on zareagował na to? :)

Bardzo pozytywnie, śmialiśmy się cały wieczór. Sama historia sprzed kilku miesięcy;)

W takim powiększeniu grafika robi.. hmm upiorne ;) wrażenie. Sam obrazek miał 9-13cm, więc malutka ramka :D