Dribbble - Where imagination comes to life

in art •  6 years ago 


Hello Happy's !

Today I would like to present one of my favorite place in the WebWorld :


Where imagination comes to life

Looking for your help

First of all, please note I'm actively looking for a Dribbble's invitation.

I'm colorblind. That's a fact.
Knowing it I always said to myself I wasn't suitable to become a designer.

Recently I realized it doesn't make sense to put one of my dream aside and I decided to go after my dream !

Therefore it would mean the world to me if you know someone who can offer me a Dribbble's invitation


What's Dribbble ?

The place to be

Dribbble is one of the best website to share your design art stuff with others.

A place where all the great designers are and where you can share your own portfolio to the world in a cool and userfriendly style.


What I love there ?

the little big details !

They exists a lot of little big details that makes this website amazing.

One of my favorite, especially as a Colorblind person, is to get the main color codes used directly in the description and when you really like a color, you just have to click on it an get all the illustration using this same color. Giving me the info if this color can fit to my art or not.


For Designers and others

Be welcome here

At the first sight you can imagine this website is for designers and also for all people looking for a designer but just as a person goes to a museum, everybody is more than welcome to come and check where is design industry positioned. All the newest and the greatest design ideas are exposed and it just let you see that the web we use everyday is far far away from what it could be if we had more artists and technologies in all the website creations.

Feel free to join us

and show what's your best works

Because I'm pretty sure we have a lot of great artists on Steemit and it would be great to develop this part of our blogging plateform.


Have a great day,
Laurent Alias Happy Daddy

Ps : my dribbble account is https://dribbble.com/Loloveno and will be full of art works as soon as I get an invitation ^^

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Est ce que on peut en avoir le même usage que Deviantart ? J'aimais beaucoup supporter les artistes et suivre leur actu là bas mais les performances du site sont tellement catastrophiques...

C'est justement parce que DeviantArt est devenu une vaste blague depuis quelques années que Dribbble est pour moi un système bien mieux pensé et donc vraiment plus chouette à parcourir.

Actuellement, j'aurais tendance à dire qu'il faut toujours commencer par Dribbble, puis sur Behance et oublier DeviantArt qui est devenu assez catastrophique (je dis ça alors qu'à une époque j'avais un abo premium chez eux car ils faisaient du bon boulot !)