Yesterday I’ve explained to you about the way to made a decorate lamp from cardboard (click here), now let’s me make a nice bowl from ice cream sticks.
A former of ice cream sticks it might be easy to find, but definitely you will think that it takes time to collect it. Don’t worry, because the ice cream sticks are now widely sold in the market and mall with reasonable price. I bought 0.5 kg for I made some objects that will decorate my house.
Come, now I show you a bowl from ice cream sticks, I make the bowl it as a place to put the candies on the desk in my room :)
Material that you need is not much, only a hot glue gun, ice cream sticks, hand skills and a cup of coffee. Make it with patience and hopefully so the results will tidy and attractive.
Let's follow the image below:
1 Start to take the sticks and paste it at each end using a hot glue gun firing.
2 Form a square pattern.
3 Duplicate and place crisscrossing above. Don’t forget to put it better.
4 Repeat that steps.
5 Do not forget, getting to the top of his stick position should be widened.
6 Done, now we perfected the bottom, as inner side of a bowl.
7 If you have pasted all, and there was a loose side due to excess or shortage of sticks, do not worry, because you can sharpen the stick using a knife, make a smaller size and paste it it tightly.
8 Check it out, now bowl ice cream stick was already finished.
Ice cream sticks, those little wooden wonders that bring back memories of sunny days and sweet treats. They may seem simple at first glance, but oh, the possibilities they hold! From intricate sculptures to functional art, the creativity knows no bounds when it comes to these besthimalaya humble sticks. In this blog, we dive deep into the world of ice cream stick creations, exploring the endless ways they can be transformed into something truly remarkable. So, gather your imagination and let's embark on a journey to compile these sticks into a bowl of inspiration. Are you ready to unleash your inner artist? Let's get started!
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