don't worry, feel happy...

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)

I do believe that the wonder-full Bobby McFerrin was ahead of his time when he recorded his fun song, "Don't Worry, Be Happy"...


There's a universal law that states, "What you focus on expands".... and from my own life experience up until now, i do believe this law to be true.

Do you ever have one of those days when you got out of the wrong side of the bed and your whole day was just wrong?... I know i have and... when i have a bit of a blip getting up first thing... and, if i focus on that blip - which is often a negative one, it seems not long after, another negative blip reveals itself...

Here's one scenario we all we all know...

• getting up i stub my toe = how do i feel? = "arrrggghhh..."
• then i slip on the mat doing the splits = "aaack! ow!!..."
• i beat myself up for slipping on the mat = "sigh..."
• i burn the toast = "triple arrrrrghhh..."
• i get stuck in traffic = "road rage..."
• i worry about being late for work = "i am late for work"........

And so... on and on it goes throughout the day - a great big cycle that never seems to stop if i keep defaulting to feeling bad..... what i've focused on definitely expanded...

Thoughts create feelings and feelings are vibrations = energy going out in the world and coming right backatcha... Just like a concentric circle that expands when you drop a pebble into a still pond... everything is energy and vibration... and pulses... it never stops...

All my responses or feelings/vibrations i felt during that day, resonated and pulsed out into the world and returned to me, thus creating my day of continued frustration, anger and more... whether they were negative OR positive...

What?... you can get either?

Yup.... energy is energy... doesn't matter...

Early in the song Bobby sings...
'In every life we have some trouble... but when you worry you make it double... so, don't worry, be happy....'

The feeling or vibration of 'worry' is energy too... and so is the vibration of 'happy' or 'joy' or 'content' or 'love' or...

We have the power of choice...

A big lesson i learned once (that's another story) is that i have choice in any given moment... a choice of how i wish to think and feel... remembering that what i feel creates my life...

So, what do you choose to FEEL right now in this moment - knowing that feeling-vibration is creating your life?...

with brightest blessings,
weaver x (((o)))

Here's Bobby McFerrin's video, Don't Worry Be Happy... enjoy + whistle along...

• More about this holy doodle at...

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Such a wonderful post @holydoodle. It's so true. If you're late and you'll be later. If you say you're going to have a bad day, you will have a bad day.

Take the deep breath, let it out and start whistling.

thank you @tryskele.... it is so true... whistling is good! x (((😘)))