RE: Many paintings inside post- Another year over - I actually love fresh starts - New beginning places are invigorating to me. 2018 look out here I COME!

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Many paintings inside post- Another year over - I actually love fresh starts - New beginning places are invigorating to me. 2018 look out here I COME!

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)

Well, they say there are trillions of alternative universes too. So I could exist in millions of different places but as we're not connected in any way, this doesn't really affect me at all. I feel it's the same with this kind of app. In a sense, it's me and not. Let's remember, it's a copy of our consciousness. I would use the app for sure personally. Imagine trying to get as accurate matching without it, impossible.
And the 99,8% match could be acquired in few hours of real time. Like the newest AI from Google, it became the best player in chess after just 4 hours from scratch, even beating their previous AI.

Last episode; I don't want to talk about it. The visual of the new girlfriend threatening the monkey toy was good.

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Well - lets say with that logic, that now you had in your power a way to manipulate all other alternate dimensional selves to directly effect your own well being. The experiment changes when you know you are directly effecting another consciousness to suit your own needs. The minute that something becomes fully conscience/feeling and thinking idividauls that feel pain and love and all the other emotions the game changes. Could you live with yourself each day knowing that somewhere you were probably fucking over infinite versions of yourself?

If you found out you were in a simulation right now and that a version of yourself was putting you through all the hardships in your life on purpose. And that you were doomed to fail things in this life because the simulation betted against you. What would you feel about the user(a version of yourself) controlling the simulation /your life?

Would you feel it ethical? Fair? Moral?

Could you force another consciousness being to live your existense?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

First I have to remind that in this case these other selves wouldn't had existed in the first place. They become to be as user downloads and starts the app. And in the episode there were moments of joy and sadness, just like in real life. Now we can also question was it better than not existing at all in the first place?

What if these simulations would get to live to elderly after they get over the wall, very happily with their soulmate they worked hard for? So as a owner you, one wouldn't feel bad about forcing copies of their minds go through the hell of finding a perfect partner for himself.

The experience could be modified as it after all is built by code. But the experience needs to be rough I guess, but what happens after the wall could be altered.

If you found out you were in a simulation right now and that a version of yourself was putting you through all the hardships in your life on purpose. And that you were doomed to fail things in this life because the simulation betted against you. What would you feel about the user(a version of yourself) controlling the simulation /your life?

I'd thank him for my existence and ask him:

And also, the user isn't controlling the app. Copies are thrown into it, like we humans are into the world. There are rules here and also rules there. If this technology would become to use, I'm sure the experience would be shaped to a state, where majority could feel alright with. Maybe the copies could be even told about being in a simulation? Who knows.

So I guess, I'd be fine with it if balance of good and bad experiences is found within the app for our copies. After all, they are just dating ;)
Now give me your lollipop!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

No lollipop for you
Yes it will be interesting when we can actually create conscious beings in games. I am reminded by a TNG episode where James Moriarty is created as an opponent for Data on the holodeck. Moriarty became aware of his sentient being. Moriarty argued that he was in fact alive, and as such had a right to live and exist.

"You – or someone – asked your computer to program a nefarious fictional character from nineteenth century London – and that is how I arrived... but I am no longer that creation. I am no longer that character, I have changed. I am alive – I am aware of my own consciousness."

– James Moriarty, 2365 ("Elementary, Dear Data")

So in this sense we have to ask ourselves what type of Gods do we wish to be to these beings? Cause that is what we are essentially, their creators. As a God do I think I am being benevolent by puppeteering a sentient being’s life? Is it right for me to enslave a thinking individual to do my bidding? I may be entertained… but is it right? Is it right to create a thing that feels and then to enslave it. We don’t do it to our own children. So how could I as the creator of that thing feel right that they are for my entertainment.
If we were to give these programs rights, as much rights as we have as sentient beings, than what purpose could they really serve? We couldn’t make any apps with them – we couldn’t force them to do anything really. All we could do is create them and stand idly back and watch them develop as their own “digital species” detached from this world. Perhaps we could trade with them for efforts, involving programming or energy of some sort. Like the Microverse Battery episode in Rick and Morty, where Rick creates a microverse that extracts energy via goobleboxes. When Zeep Xanflorp creates a solution to their own energy problems within the microverse, by creating another miniverse (basically repeating Ricks experiment successfully) Rick’s battery no longer works. What happens when the miniverse rebels or stops serving their purpose? How beholdent are we as creators to these entities? Are we responsible for them? How deep does the rabbit hole go, and could we just pull the plug if something went wrong, essentially mass killing the lot of them?
I believe sentients have the right to freedom and life, whether made of digital matter or physical matter. To decide otherwise is verging on the behavior of our worst rulers throughout history.

Plus I was deeply effected by the 90's Canadian made cartoon called Reboot... so my bias has to do with my love for those characters struggles as "digital sentient beings" in a video game aware of their creators but helpless to their creators whims.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

What if... haha.

Think about the app that got this discussion started. The dating one. What if the app would be just like our real world, no rules except those that are set by the beings themselves. It could still serve it's purpose if we just let the sentient beings live their lives tons of times over and over again.

Oh shit, am I making Matrix here? ;)

I have feeling if we just disable emotions of sadness, pain and such it will be marketed as human though. What do you think?

What difference would it make if you were told this is a simulation we live in?

I would ask that my creators find a way to let me out. Let me explore farther than this universe could ever take me. Let me be unbound to one demention, if there is more to know than I want to know it. Show me what is behind the curtain and let me explore the world beyond.

And now you're told that the simulation you live in is a copy of the world that your creators reside in, only difference being all the data gets used in these simulations to benefit the creators in their own world.

You are not being controlled, you can live your life as you wish, your data is just used. Like in Facebook.

Now what?

I would say, I will never know reality until I am in it. I don't wish to be apart of a simulation, I want to be apart of reality, a place that is not continually observed or manipulated or deleted for any reason. I don't wish to be observed, my consciousness shouldn't be played with like an experiment or a data reserve, this is my existence not a lab rat. I have the right to privacy, I should have the right to not be observed. My consciousness should be considered just as important or equal to my creators. Let me out.

So we shouldn't let the beings know they are in simulation. As we don't know if we live in one either.

What could be done is to ask these beings, after they die, in heaven like place, if they were happy with their life. If answer is yes, they start new life if not, the app can tell the user that it is not working for him.

Your consciousness isn't played with, merely observed. Without you knowing it. The world is built by the beings on it, without disturbance by the creators. Out is the same as in. I'm already half way done with the app, can't quit now ;) Haha.