Tardis and sketching

in art •  7 years ago 

Hi, guys!

So, after looking through hundreds of references and making numerous sketches of paper I plan to go on with my digital drawing of human figure. It's interesting how it's different from sketching on paper, even despite of more possibilities to correct what you're doing on any stage. May be it's just directly from hands to paper I think more clearly, then with help of digital tools. Plus sometimes their powerful possibilities act like temptation too much and ruin all composition.

Well, I think I will make conclusions after month on instant work with human figure in digital drawing. Use watercolor Tardis to see what's there in the end;)

I wish you all the best and will be happy if you'll support me with vote:)

Love, Inber

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Very beautiful art my friend.l like your post

You may have heard before how good you are in art but I cant help but repeat it.

You are amazing!

Thank you:)

You are most welcome.
By the way, thanks for visiting my blog too. I didnt expect it but you dropping in there is really cool :)

I love your Tardis! Reminds me that I am a full season behind on Dr. Who. Gotta get caught up because I can't wait to watch the newest season with Jodie Whittaker. I have some original Dr. Who art on my wall, which I love - from a local artist who does iconic feet with other notable objects floating around - so It's David Tennant's converse clad feet with daleks, cybermen heads, sonic screwdrivers, weeping angels and roses floating all around the feet.
Anyway, I love the colors of the space clouds behind the tardis. Do you do other Dr. Who inspired work?

Great art as always!
This reminds me of the police and fire department call boxes in New York City.
Steem on :)