Progress on my Samurai Scene Project

in art •  8 years ago 

I though that I should share the parts of the process involved into making a 3D scene with you guys.
Right now I'm modeling my Samurai Warrior Body Mesh with Zbrush using different brushes to Push and Pull Polygons.The start in my case was combining Spheres and Cones to get a basic mesh which I later dynameshed ( merging the polygons and adjusting them).
Here is a snapshot of the model right now:
New Bitmap Image.jpg

Here is the concept which i Drew for the scene and what I'll try to recreate in 3D :

I use Mostly 3 types of Brushes : Clay Buildup, Flatten, Move and the Standard one. I use them with different kinds of Alphas like
the alphas in photoshop but here they eyther dent or pull the polygon mesh instead of drawing something.In zbrush you can draw also using brushes but I'll get into that later on.
I work with up to 3 million polygons
The sword which is more like hard surface I had to start in 3Ds max because Zbrush although able to work with hard surfaces isn't so straightforward.Zbrush is more for organic modeling like using clay in reallife.
Here is the sword which i imported from 3ds max to Zbrush to make decorations on :


I would have loved if steemit had an zoomin icon on pictures with higher resolution but since it doesn't have you could use :
CNTRL+mouse wheel to zoom on the picture to view.
I will be sharing more tips and trick in due time.

I would love to hear your thoughts !

I hope you like my art !

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Thats pretty cool, I do 3D modeling as well. Mostly Machines

Upvoted your Colorchallenge - Thursday Green . Awesome models !! Such a post for me is worth 1000 dollars but thats just my opinion :) Also followed !

Thank you very much, Followed back.

Nice, how much do you charge to do an animation pilot for tv or video? Where can I find more of your work?

I have never done anything commercially and I'm still kinda new to the 3D world but I find it very interesting.If you would like you can give me more info on what you want in this animation. I have some 3D work uploaded here if you check my past blogs and I have some work uploaded on Sketchfab : .Those in sketchfab are real time rendered.They are more for games.

Are you able to animate them as well?

Yes. I use CAT rig animation and motion cap data that I adjust.

So do I have to send you the script?, I really want to animate a project I wrote. It's a sci-fi short, 2 pages. Also, ​I know someone looking to have furniture built for Second Life can you do that as well?

Looks great, is this for anything in particular or just practicing modeling and animating?

Right now it's practicing and I might upload it to some 3d modeling site or could even share it for free ! Only if steemit wasn't only for the blogger type of people :P. Here I think 3D and Art is apriciated more on the blog side of things.