"Eagle of Transcendence", 17-STEP Painting Process. True Definition Of Blame.

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)

Today I am sharing my latest oil painting with you in a detailed 17-step journey.

eagle logo.jpg

Before I share the somewhat “twisty” birth of it, I would like to share with you one of my ego patterns: Blame. I have sit with it long enough in silence to see it's core, to embrace it's true nature, which is completely in line with the teachings of Gene Keys:

The reactive nature of ego externalizes its complaints by specifically blaming something or someone else. When we blame another, we fire an arrow that removes self-responsibility for our situation. In this sense, we INVEST aspects of ourselves within other beings, giving away our true power and presence. All blame is an expression of anger projected outwardly, but in this sense it is not pure. Pure anger is a release of the primal energy of fear that may be triggered by an external source yet does not target that source.

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Famous first step

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I want more darkness :)

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original idea: it'll be a DNA painting.

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first layer is done

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this is when I changed plan- DNA will be masked in a waterfall landscape

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Pyramids and sun. Yay!

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Extra waterfall in the right corner

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not even sure where I'm going to be honest

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this was the hardest stage to get through. It just looked so sterile.

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Life is picking up!

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Moon opening changed to the shape of key hole. So much better! It's Gene KEYS painting after all!

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long hours are paying off. I know where I'm headed!

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Plants in the first plane (bottom left corner) were just not right. Ouch gotta start again!

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Now this feels better! all there's left to do is work shapes and colors.

eagle logo.jpg
Ta daaaa! Can you see the difference in the Eagle details? How it stands out? And can you actually spot the human figures (one man and one woman) on each side, holding a burning torch?

Eagle detail 1.jpg
perhaps you can see the man figure here. The woman is on the opposite side, next to the eagle tail

The moment one blames another, one is again the victim of one's own drama (ha ha so true). It is impossible to blame another for one's fate and simultaneously realize that one is simply an actor in a play. The very act of seeing through the seriousness of life releases the energy of blame. From the reactive side, true freedom occurs when the arrows of blame are caught in mid-flight before they reach the target.


There is no other way than breakthrough! And breakthrough my blame patterns I shell!

Much Love brothers and sisters and thank you for your upvotes and follows, deeply appreciated!

Blessings on your journey,

follow @jankasparec

hanes eagle 2.jpg

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I'm speechless... This is stunning piece of art you have done. Is there somewhere we could buy your work?
Again wow... Thanks for sharing man!

Hi @kaarel. Thank you for your praise. There's link to my facebook page up on my profile here, or you can contact me via http://jankasparec.com/ . I'm a full time artist selling world wide so it's just up to you to contact/chose/pay/receive :) BTW are you Czech by any chance? Your name is Czech and I am Czech :)

Thanks for the link I'll check it out! I'm actually Estonian. Never realized my name could be anything but Estonian haha!

Czech version is Karel (Charles in English) and it's my brother's name! :) Cool @kaarel, anytime, just reach out through facebook or email (contact form on my website)

Awesome. You got great talent. Your mixture and use of colors are out of this world
Keep it up...

Thanks a lot @kenhudoy, really happy to hear that you like my art so much. Check my facebook or instagram, you can find me easy by my name, or on my website http://jankasparec.com/ . You can even win a painting by subscribing to my free newsletter. Just saying bro no pressure :) Life's great!

great ! will check it out but am glad ow you osteemit to get better value as multiple stream of income o your beautiful work

drop by and check my new blog posts...will appreciate your comment...thanks

Great stuff, Jan. I really appreciated reading about your journey through this creation.

Thanks so much brother Luke. Yeah blame is a big one, not very useful companion in life. I'm glad you liked the process, I did my best to capture it thoroughly :) @lukestokes.

Very nice work man, i love the eagle

thanks @captainquack22. I painted a few eagles, including in my autoportrait. It's my spirit animal
! jan 5 a.jpg

Superb, well done.

thank you @sofiyawani !

Dude you should do some artwork for some death metal bands, they'd pay a nice price for awesome artwork like this, keep it up bro.

That's a great idea @cryptokrieg, and I actually used to listen to metal, and still can appreciate it sometimes. But now I'm more into the Light stuff :)

Haha understandable, but you should look into it, a lot of prog bands would be interested in your paintings.

Cheers brother, I appreciate it. I just have so many clients already I am not looking to sell myself, I'm just trying to keep up with my own work :) I also very much prefer doing my own work from my imagination rather than commissioned work. Thank you @cryptokrieg

Awesome! Love the eagle. Truly awesome. 😍

Thanks @jaimelee . Happy that you own few of my originals! Lucky girl :)

Very cool art :)

Looks like the entrance to El Dorado or something haha, great painting!

Thanks @royschuh :) Might be the case ;)

You got me there...did was thinking the same...nice reply

Your work is unbelievable!

Thanks so much @hebro!

Wow. That is an awesome painting. Full 100% and resteemed.
Send you love from Berlin brother :-)

Thanks my man. Miss you. Let's have a call soon! @lichtblick!

Janka! I love your artwork sooo much. Every picture is amazing. You really put a lot of intricacy and detail and thought and spirit into them. You're a beautiful soul.

I do once again disagree with you a bit on the spirituality stuff, I think blame and anger are normal and healthy in the right context. We should never allow others to become comfortable disrespecting us or others and sometimes blame/anger in my opinion is a beautiful thing.. Especially when you're sticking up for yourself or others and defending against predators and abusers.

Hope you don't mind me relating my opinion of the subject. And as usual, I'm highly supportive of your artwork and you in general as a human being, even if we disagree a lil bit here and there. :) Cheers bud! Much love. <3

I love you sharing all this brother @apolymask. There's nothing wrong with anger, it's even in buddhist scriptures- the right type of anger, which is Anger at Ignorance. But blame is a different story, because you make yourself into a victim, and thus lose responsibility for the way you feel inside, which is always self-generated. Look, even to injustice you can answer with compassion, if you're evolved enough, because you know that any injustice is just done of out forgetting of the True nature of any human being, which is LOVE. We get fucked up by this world, so heavily conditioned by this society, that we become bundles of inner pain, inflicting pain on others. But that only thing that can break this vicious circle is not pointing finger , but returning non-love with love. I can spend my time hating central bankers or any politician (they all the same shit game players) or I can live by example that elevates that frequency. Anyways words just don't make it brother :) I love your sharing and I appreciate where you stand. I am not saying I found the Holy Grail :)

I don't have so much a problem with ignorance.. I think we're all ignorant in ways.. I may get upset at someone if they harm others in ignorance, though.. It's still harder to hold them accountable if they didn't know what they were doing was wrong. Though.. There still is some responsibility there.

And that's basically what "blame" means as well.. To hold others accountable or responsible for their actions, this seems very important to me and much of our law is based off of it. Without holding people responsible for their actions.. They would just do whatever they want without fear or worry of others pushing back against immoral or unjust behavior.

because you make yourself into a victim, and thus lose responsibility for the way you feel inside

I don't necessarily agree. I think it depends on the circumstances also. Sometimes you have a good right to blame others or circumstances or whatever, sometimes you do not.

Look, even to injustice you can answer with compassion, if you're evolved enough, because you know that any injustice is just done of out forgetting of the True nature of any human being, which is LOVE.

I generally agree. Though sometimes I think the most compassionate thing you can do is put someone out of their misery if their are so deluded they are out their raping and torturing and murdering others. I think that is the most loving thing to do for everyone involved. Including the predator/oppressors. Cause it's sort of as you said, they forgot who they are and sometimes they went too far, and they can't be fixed, so they shouldn't be allowed to continue harming others unjustly.

We get fucked up by this world, so heavily conditioned by this society, that we become bundles of inner pain, inflicting pain on others. But that only thing that can break this vicious circle is not pointing finger , but returning non-love with love.

I agree with you for the most part and I'm working on being more peaceful myself, but I still will do whatever is reasonable to defend myself and others. I'm not a pacifist yet and right now I hope I never will be, cause it seems worse to let bullies walk all over you and others than it is to drop to their level and give them their own medicine. Cause.. They won't learn anything if you just show love and they kill you and laugh and move on. Sometimes you gotta defend yourself or you won't live long enough to share your loving message. True love is defending yourself and others I think.

I can spend my time hating central bankers or any politician (they all the same shit game players) or I can live by example that elevates that frequency.

Or you can do both. :) One of the important lessons to learn in life is that it doesn't ever have to be all one or the other with love and hate. They can co exist. You can both love and hate another or many others. If you want to of course.. And I think hate exists for a reason as well, when people do horrible things you should get upset, that seems human to me.. Which is why I hope I never lose that, but.. The more spiritual I get.. Maybe I will.. My mother is like that.. She doesn't see any good or bad and believes a lot of the same kinda things you say. I'm open minded to it.. But I still believe this way right now.

I love your sharing and I appreciate where you stand. I am not saying I found the Holy Grail :)

Much love homie! I look forward to interacting with you more in the future and seeing more of your artwork. You seem like a really good natured and honorable kind of guy! :) And I appreciate that. Peace.

Wow man, thanks for sharing your process, both of art and spirit.
Subbed and upvoted. Awesome post!

simply great
Thanks for sharing .

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Thank you brother. Following you.

Great post
You are Doing Great

Thank you @crypto-booster!

Amazing artwork and talent!
I really like how you show the progession of the work :)

Thanks a lot @cryptodan ! Appreciated!

Beautiful. One day I wish to have one of your artwork hanging in my livingroom to contribute to my and other peace

Thank you @manolescaut . Reach out anytime and check my website http://jankasparec.com/ or facebook (in my profile here),. I got crazy summer sales going on now. You have to contact me for details though. I sold 6 paintings just this week. Much Love your way!

I messaged you there.

Nice :) upvoted and followed.

Why don't you check my last story about art?

https://steemit.com/photography/@notonlyfood/6th-july-world-kiss-day-historical-kisses I hope you will leave a vote

upvoted followed. Thank you @notonlyfood

Great post

Wow! That is amazing, especially the step by step of how the painting was done. Alright, I'm going to follow the steps and see if I can come up with something that looks that good ;)

@alexthemagician do it and document it, I'm curious :) Thank you for your comment!

Hahaha... I wish I was remotely close to as talented as you with paint and brushes... My parents sent me to art classes since young and gave up when I was 9... hahaha

Very well done. I could never do something like this. You’re going to do great here. Keep it up :)

thanks bro @firepower. You got your own talents! Following you, you got awesome blog!

your art touches me so deeply. Thank you very much!