"I Will Find You", original art. Story Of Final Reuniting. And a side blurb on Anarchapulco travel

in art •  7 years ago 

I finished the Pink Rhino painting. Except that I don't call it "Pink Rhino" anymore. It became the story of reuniting.

I will find you logo center.jpg

Before I dive into this, lemme just tell you that yesterday was the first day that I have not posted in month and a half. Reason was that I was traveling from Vancouver to Acapulco, to join the sold out Anarchapulco conference. And Vancovuer, as much as it's a beautiful gem of a city, is really far from everything and not the best place to get to other places in the world from. I say we got two, max three good destinations which are geographically well positioned for us Vancouverites: Hawaii, California and Alaska. Because I don't like States that leaves me with one place where I can fly to more easily then from the East cost- Hawaii (which of course does not belong to USSA , but is USSA illegally occupied territory). Most other destinations are way easier to get to from Toronto.

For me, to get to Acapulco, which is not that far from Mexico city, it took me over 13h journey. I had to wake up at 4am to get a flight at 6:40 (thanks to 911 bullshit terrorist government fear regulations that fuckep up all air travel worldwide but sure did create lots of redundant airport-bully jobs), got to Mexico city at 3pm, waited for 3 hours for connection flight and didn't get to Acapulco before past 7pm. Both flights were full. Over 13 hours journey, fastest connection. Yup in this sense Vancouver really sucks.

aca vanc.jpg
This is just to show you the distance if there was a direct flight....still over 8 hours flight. But there is no direct flights of course...

By the time I bought my ticket to get a cab from the airport (you can't just flag a cap, you have to stand 1 hours in a stupid airport cab ticket line up) and finally checked in my room, it was past 9pm and I was ready to crash, dead exhausted. So that was my first day off Steemit in a long time, but kinda forced... Who'd say that a flight from North America to North America could kill a whole day! And thanks God I did not fly through States! Otherwise the headache from government terrorists wearing uniforms would be even worse! What a guinea pig deep state experiment of a "country"...sad.


Now I'm happily installed in a nice suite at Princess resort hotel right at the beach, with my awesome buddy Ed Bugos, who is chief financial analyst of The Dollar Vigilante and one of its co-founders. By now probably the biggest anarcho-capitalist group in the world (Jeff Berwick led). I finally have time and place (sunny patio which alone is probably bigger than my Vancouver apartment) to get back to my Steemit world!

"I will find you" is what the Pink Rhino evolved into. I had no idea where I'm headed, as is often the case with my painting style.

The initial sketch took me about an hour only. It went very smooth, which is a proof to me that I am doing the right thing, because I am aligned with the source of inspiration, which of course is withing me but also beyond me, in the great universal pool of all inspiration and wisdom.

hanes rhino 2.jpg

6x5feet is probably my most favorite size to paint. I mean I would love to paint bigger (and I sometimes do), but 6x5 seems like a perfect size when I can still easily scale the components in the head while I am holding the brush, without having to step back and see from 3 meters distance what how my brushstrokes actually fit the greater image. It is also the perfect size which is large enough to have a great visual impact in the space where it's hanging, while still being pretty practical for transport and storage (8 footers get more difficult....).

Despite this size, I went on it super fast and it just poured out of me.

I let it dry and pondered what next to do with it. I loved it already but I knew it's not finished (although In the future I'd love to develop a style that lets me do 1 hours pieces of this size, keeping very raw and blunt, just like Picasso did, but in my own style).

I worked on other small pieces (and an 8x6 footer too that I will show you soon enough!) at the meantime, until I got that idea of the floating island inhabited by a boy who is looking for his soulmate out in the vast web of Cosmos. That girl sitting on Rhino's back is his soulmate, and the Karma (energy) lines connecting them (they not that visible on the photos but hopefully you can see them!) are a proof that....

I will find you detail 1.jpg
Girl detail, not a greatest photo, but gives you a sense...

Indeed, I will find you....because I already found you.


I believe that everything in Creation is connected, and that everything eventually comes back to its source, the Primary Creator. I also believe that what we call "soulmates" might be the one and single soul searching for it's counterpart, and also an unresolved karmic debt that has to be addressed before it can be healed/released. We keep on meeting the same person disguised in different bodies over and over again, until we learn what the mirror of our lover showed you in us.

I will find you detail 2.jpg
Boy on the floating island detail...

It's never about changing the other person. It's always about seeing ourselves in the light of truth, without the veil of ego.

And I am finally starting to see my own patterns that kept me stuck in the loop in countless relationships, with many lovers, for many lifetimes.
I am starting to see, that all I ever wanted, was what I already, and ALWAYS had. I just have been looking in the wrong places, outside of myself.

Thank you for being the mirror for my vision @gladysmak. I love you.
I will find you logo.jpg
The full image

And what is your experience with the "other part" of your soul? Is it still wondering around the Universe looking for you? You will find each other, because in a different time and place, you never left each other. You are connected like your body is to the Divine breath.

Thank you for reading, upvoting, commenting and resteeming!

Much Love to all!

Follow @jankasparec

The end result and its creator, looking "high" I was told...:)
hanes I will find you saturated.jpg

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Thank you for being the mirror for my life too babe so that I can see myself easily instead of being stuck in the egos. Universe always gives us surprises, so that why I also can feel that we knew each other in my precious life times! That’s how we met this life time - a gift universe gave us with love and surprise. Btw I really love the idea of this painting, especially when I can see how you gonna change the style this time❤️

Thanks baby. Yes we got an encyclopedia of human relationship within the two of us 😘

@jankasparec your painting of the rhino is really magnificent, without the painting, the post might have been a regular post to me but what you have here today really made my day. Well, am also an artist but I do more of pencil work, you can see on my blog but at the same time, I wish to learn from you.

THanks a lot for your kind words @tezzmax . Go through my past posts. I posted TONS of art content here in past 2 years. Lots of step by step tutorials too. I will check out your

Finding a soulmate is what puts everything to perspective, nothing will bring more peacefulness. I'm glad you find your mirror. The painting looks awesome and I like that when you look up close there are a lot of awesome details and symbolism - definitely a cool painting !

Thank you Dan brother!

Love it! Jan. My favourite part is the boy on the floating island. To me it looks like it has drifted into your picture from another place or another time. Like the girl has somehow pulled the island into the picture. Great work and I love the detail in the island and the detail in the boy and girl

Thanks a lot Mark! Glad it gave you these impressions. Lovely!

I had wanted to even ask. I thought maybe you were cuddled up somewhere under valentines moment and that's why you didn't post. Glad you made the journey man.

In Today's piece, the message behind the work makes me wanna hold my pillow and start praying. I hope she will find me soon cause my island is floating far into the ocean with each passing second.

Nice bro, thanks for being open to it!

Awesome ! This is another very creatively thought up artwork.
Keep it up you did some really genius and
I am wait to see your next post dear @jan
have a good day sir

Very nice!

@jankasparec, take it from me, you are gifted in this art. Wow.

Like you leave me in awe.

BTW, happy valentines day


you have amazing art talent, the color mix is ​​also very good, I like your painting, good luck always friends

Great work man..........good thinking...........
creative work impress me...........i appreciate your post.......!!!!!!!!!!!

amazing art!

hahaha Pink Rhino! great idea.. love it. the colors are fascinating and your technique is great!
I actually did a skull drawing and will share her evening.
if you look at my nightly share and say your opinion it makes me happy :)

Spanking Art ....... The child is sitting on the bottom of the tree looks great

Resteem ........

I go to Acapulco every year and never stopped in Mexico City, always looks so big seeing it from the airplane though!

big city with small crappy airport :)

I've had family members who did connecting flights get stuck in the airport there overnight lol