Photography Assignment: Proper Composition!

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)

If a photographer is trying to capture an image of a breathtaking valley, a kiwi or a bird catching a live fish meal as it is jumping out of water mid way, composition is always going to be a key element for capturing dynamic images.

Although photography composition consists of basic principles that should seem obvious to any pro photographer, the following rules are helpful as a voice in the back of one's mind when lining up a photograph to help identify characteristics of what a great photos tend to consist of for those of us who are looking to push the limits of a photography hobby and get the most out of a given shoot. In most cases, composition of a photo during post production cannot be doctored in Photoshop or instances an image can be doctored in Photoshop the process is very time consuming, therefore capturing an image properly on-site, in camera is fundamental if post processing is going to be simple and lead to great images.


Definitions for photography composition rules can be found by Googling any of the following terms listed below. The rules and terms are fairly accurate descriptions of what to think about when capturing images and looking to push your experience as far as you can imagine. Understanding various principles of photography composition is a good way to dramatically increase one's general understanding of photography. This is something that in the past people would go to school to to learn about and spend 6 months of their lives trying to understand what now in a few hours hobbyist can learn if they're motivated to do the research and dive into the basics. Here are some terms you can search for on Google if you are interested to learn more about photography composition and the rules that apply:

Understand The Rule Of Thirds, Symmetrical Composition, Diagonals / Lines / Curves, Triangles, Distortion, Frame in a Frame, Fill The Frame / Cropping, Don't Cut Off Limbs, Make The Most Of Lead In Lines, Foreground Interest and Depth, Patterns and Textures, Rule of Odds, Leave Negative Space, Simplicity and Minimalism, Isolate the Subject, Look for Particular Color Combinations, Left to Right Rule, Balance Elements in the Scene, Juxtaposition, Golden Ratio.

Meet Enrico Boggia!


Enrico is a very fantastic artist who in my opinion should be classifying himself as something Beyond an amateur photographer. Mr Boggias collection consist of so many images rich with great color, tone, subject matter and framing.

From a technical perspective Enrico nails composition every single time he presents an image. The composition presented in the average image of photographer Boggia is how I found the motivation to writing up my topic for this post since the subject after looking over Enricos images literally spoke to me ;D

It's a pleasure to be able to share images from the collection of Enrico Boggia with his permission as well as the other photographers mentioned on this post who have been kind enough to allow me to showcase their work! It is my hope you will follow a few links of images from the various artists who's collections I have shared on this post when you have a few seconds to check out more of their work.









Meet Gary Seloff!

Photographers who are able to capture portraits of Wildlife and insects have a special place in my heart, considering how challenging I know it is to do. Proper Framing and composition when photographing Wildlife subjects who quite often are unaware they're even being photographed requires patience and skill on the part of the photographer.

Just being able to journey to select locations to capture these kinds of images requires a significant amount of vacation time as well as resources to travel to new and unexplored remote destinations. Very few photographers are lucky enough to live in the kind of places where it is easy to capture the range of wildlife shown in the images photographer Gary Seloff show's off throughout his outstanding collection.

Gary Seloff says he has been lucky enough to earn a living working with imagery and IT at NASA's Johnson Space Center for 30 years.






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Meet Michael Völker!

There is a soft, gentle and vulnerable feeling to the images presented by photographer Michael Völker.

Weather for the photographing an abstract image or a portrait of a kiwi, Michaels handle on photography composition is an excellent example of the factors described in the above post in relation to variables that consist of proper photography composition. I look forward to seeing more of Michael's images over time as Mr Völker adds to his collection over the next few years.






I just want to take a second to thank the photographers featured on this post for allowing me to share their work as well as introduce these great artist to the Steemit community.

I also wanted to thank you for taking a second to check out this post and for leaving a comment if you have time for the photographers to read when I send them the link to this post. As usual I look forward to reading what you have to write myself.

Do you have an idea for my next photography post or topic? If so please leave your idea in the comment section below I would love to hear what interests you about photography and possibly explore that topic in my next post.

Written by STEEMIT user: Jazmin Million

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This are amazing Pictures 👍

Awesome Wow
I really liked the picture
Thanks for sharing .. I learned something.

These pictures and editing just reminded me of window XP's wallpaper which we all have been using since ages. It was one of my wow moment regarding perfectly clicked pictures.


Beautiful. The colors look stunning.

All The Pictures Are soo Beautiful u descrbe Every Thing Very Well and one thing i know today U r A Great Writter Because blog is s good..
and i have idea for ur next post can u please Written ur story of life..
i mean everything about ur life this would be motivational for ur Followers..
Thanks For Reading MY Comment..

I like your idea ;D

Thanks ;-D

You never disappoint with your articles @jazminmillion. Great post as usual. Enrico Boggia's photos are breathtaking.

Those city lights over the lake makes one of the best photos I have seen in a long time.

Some photographers seem to understand magic ;D

Hi there! Nice post.
You where talking about “The Rule Of Thirds, Symmetrical Composition, Diagonals / Lines...” and so on...and then asking for some ideeas for a post. I think you could do a series of them, with photos for every rule of composition, using rewarded photographs, and draw on them the “map” of the rule/rules used in that photo, so that people can better understand them, and maybe use them when they use a camera.
Have fun!

Good plan ;D

excellent idea. to me it will help me to improve and this is the second post of @jazminmillion that I read and I like its content ... I hope that he takes into account this idea

excelente idea. a mi me ayudara a mejorar ya este es el segundo post de @jazminmillion que leo y me gusta su contenido... espero que el tome en cuenta esta idea.

I was hoping for the same thing! Would be super helpful for noobs like me! :)

nice and amazing photography


Miss u @jazminmillion.
Miss your post @jazminmillion...
awesome photography

Im weak on this point, i feel frustrated most of the time when I'm reading about this but i cant get exactly what I'm trying... I guess it is just about get more practice, thanks so much for sharing this post and those perfects photographs.. Can I know what is your opinion about nikon D3000 camera?

If you have a desire to learn and get better, any camera can deliver fantastic images, it is more about exercising photo techniques to acquire what ever skill you want to sharpen!

So get out there and practice <3

Thanks so much! 🙈 you are right! I will do it👻

These are absolutely stunning! I am pretty much fascinated by the ones,

para mí es absolutamente fantástico

Good advice. Seems like location, timing, lighting, and perspective all play obvious roles in capturing a great image.

You do an excellent job gathering the works of these fine artists. You are a top quality curator, I must say.

These photos absolutely just blow me away. I need to upgrade from this Iphone... ha

Helpful tips as well to improve my picture taking! Thank Ya!

Great photographers and their photos are fantastic! As a starting photographer, I can learn a lot from their work!

Nice picture.

One of the nicest photo collection I have seen in a while 👍

WOW 这是非常震撼的摄影分享,感受到大自然的美丽。so cool!!!@jazminmillion

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

As one of my friends told me, "you must have an eye to capture extra magical photos in your lens". At first, I did not understand it. I agree with everything you said in this post. Still learning in here and this will help. Thank you for sharing this. 😊

Great pictures and great edition as well... They remind you that you can find beauty even in the little things of life. There's no doubt about the talent you can find in the page and this is certainly the case.

Thank you so much for sharing.

Great job!

These photography aren't just ordinary they show awesome skills with the lense, ability to really reached deep into a photo and translate it's meanings
This is amazing take, all of them

Great pic all of tem! Very nice job! The shot with the stars is for me the most amazing one!

@jazminmillion Thanks for the informative post, hopefully I can successfully apply some of these tips to take better photos. These do look really great.

Woow amazing beautiful photography l like, very very good thanks for sharing

I agree, thanks for the feed back!

You welcome my friend

You welcome my friend

You welcome my friend

Wow, this is great. I especially love the night sky one.

You are not alone <3

Thanks for sharing those useful tips, btw, the photography is really awesome!

These guys are great photographers.
I love photography, I hope I will be as good as they are someday..
I´ll keep practicing
Thanks for that post!

Absolutely stunning images! Thank you so much for posting them and sharing them with us. :)


photography is good, I really like to read your post, here I understand more about everything, thanks @jazminmillion has given us knowledge.

WoW! A lot to ingest here. Thanks!

I agree, that proper framing and composition when taking photos of wildlife animals who are unaware that thy are being photographed requires patience and skill by the photographer.

wow! amazing photography, specially nature is outstanding, looking so nice, thanks for sharing, like it dear.

Great photography mate...just love every are a true photographer... ...seriously...
Thanks for sharing these wonderful images with us :)

Although I am a photographer, I have shared these images as I feel these three photographers really understand about rules of composition in photography and I felt this post would be helpful for people looking to learn a general idea of the topic.

Yeah it really help us that how to take images ... thanks again

wonderful photos from where you get all these images i think copy past is not allowed ?

yes you may ;D

Amazin pics, I’ll follow your account loved it. Such an excellent job. Hats off

Very very good beautiful photography l like, thanks for sharing, very nice

City view looks spectacular. nice collection.

wooww .. this is really very amazing, very good post and very interesting, also very memorable, great work my friend. The world must be proud to have talent like you. once again, very, very amazing .... !!!

it is very good, not all photographers can chance such good, I am very amazed you can capture quality photos like this, thanks @jazminmillion.

Great information and beautiful photos! Especially love the kiwi, but I felt the hue was slightly off, making it feel just a tad unnatural, but the composition is superb.

wonderful photos😻

Waooo man, a great photography up their...just love the view from that top...

Thanks for sharing it here... I think you have enjoyed there alot...Snow looks so amazing and adds more flavor to your picture..

Stay safe bro :)

@jazminmillion those are really nice snaps .For your next project I would suggest doing a project where focal point in centre is hazy while surrounding is clear nd crisp.

Should not be a great challenge for a photographer of your caliber.

@jazminmillion in my feed and the day is saved. Took some time since your last post, but as always, great artists. All of them.
I love the photos by Gary Seloff. "Yes Men" and "Told you so" is so great! :D
Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

very nice Pictures i love it

Your photography skill is on point. Such a beautiful place. Anyway, any fellow who wanted to support a newbie out here? I will follow back :) Please feel free to visit my page. Have a great day all of you

In fact, it is usually not only the nature that crafts a breath-taking view, but also the people with whom you share it

very beautiful ,, just people who have skills that can take pictures so beautiful

This post has received gratitude of 16.33 % from @appreciator thanks to: @jazminmillion.

Really photography is a art and these pics are best of them

beautiful...keep going... ✌

Wow, these pictures are breathtaking. Would love to see more from you. Just upvoted you, hope to hear from you

Waw guys, It's so amazing picture. Love it.

Great post.
Follow me on
I love artistic photos of nature. They are calming of the mind and relaxing. These are the photos I enjoy viewing the most.
I enjoy photography myself. Main focus is nature during my travels.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oh I watched pictures like yours on postcards. ^^

i call it amazing photography

wow that's awesome photography looking so professional to @jazminmillion

The only that a think about this pictures is the job of a photographer, it's amazing and beautiful. Great job.

great information. these images are just so wonderfull.

breathtaking photos and a very good post thank you

Very niceee!! The photos that you present are incredible, it's make me hallucinate!! :DD


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great, spectacular your post, I love each of the photos and information, excellent friend.

These are very nice photos, good info.

seem pro shoot for me :) , awesome dude

Good pos

This is exceptionally helpful - for a writer and photographer like myself, this is useful, well written, clear and informative. Thank you

Woe what this beauty and magnificence
Catch up like those pictures of trees, beautiful birds and a delightful sunrise
It is a very professional thing
I like this kind of pictures .. my greetings to you

nice buddy

Nice photography @jazminmillion I liked it

Nice photo!!

Amazing picture have a good day

Wow amazing post and nice photos my friend @jazminmillion I would like to invite you to visit my blog @rizkyakbar thank you

Great post I like It...

this is a wonderful post, it explains a lot, now am using a mobile device for taking pictures, what are your advises for such?

Wowww man. Absolutely amazing..!

Nice sharing my friends, thanks

What a great article! I'm an amateur photographer and this really helped. Some really nice photos here as well, thank you very much for sharing.

Breathtaking photos! Thanks for sharing!

@jazminmillion your work is wery impresive i upvoted and folowed your pics are amazing if you have time check my posts i would be thankful for any comment i been messing with pic abstract style=)Chupapic

I love the close ups, photos look great !

wow!!! this are all great!! You captured a very great and memorable photos, It's like you bring me in that place too. I love it.. Thanks @jazminmillion for sharing this to us..


Love the Boggia one! Breath Taking!

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wow.. amazing photography 😍 thank you for sharing

Anyway though, thanks so much for posting like this.

Epic shots with some remarkable skills!
I always admire skilled photography

The photo of the milky way core is especially amazing!

photography is very beautiful my friend, not everyone can take photography like this, I am deeply moved by the way you are my friend, my friend's good post

Top photos you are realy a master of photography check me out chupapic i make abstract pic

very very very nice photo.
thank you for sharing these beauties :)

Every picture was endlessly beautiful

Your post are to good and attractive <3 keep sharing :) you are amazing

nice work

Amazing collection