Draw it Again Challenge #1 - Results

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)


The Results!

This is impossible. Next time I do this I need someone to help me choose because how the hell am I to make a decision among all these amazing entries.

And really, this drawing challenge is more about getting all you lovely people to have fun, take a little trip down memory lane, whether it's a bright or a dark one, and perhaps make you realise how far you've come, how much you've grown, not only as an artist, but also as a person.
All of you are "winners" in this challenge, and if I had the moniezzz, I'd give prizes to you all, for diving into those dusty boxes and old hard drives, for stepping out of your comfort zone, and joining me on this little self discovery trip.

Ya'll are amazeballs <3

But choose I must, and so I chose.

And now without further ado, here are my top 4 of the first Draw it Again Challenge:

4th place - @basileonardo

Because this made me actually crack up and giggle with glee it's such a hilarious yet strangely fitting combination. Meet the awe-inspiring Mario Super Sayajin!
@Basileonardo lovingly revived a character created by a childs mind who longed to combine his 2 favourite heroes into one uber-hero.

Stroke of fricking genius, if you ask me.

Congrats on winning 1SBD for your entry, my friend! And thank you for making me chuckle.

Here he is again in all his slightly absurd glory:


3rd place - @oreille-pointue

Because I fucking love dragons. They are the best. And purple-pink dragons are even better. Because only Dragons pull of pink and can still make you pee yourself out of gut wrenching terror. 'nuf said.

Check out her awesome post which also shows the making-of. I love that @oreille-pointue hand painted this in watercolours. <3


Very marked improvement in the13 years(!) since she first created the original dragon named Rianzän. Pretty much everything here shows incredible growth: Anatomy, Pose, colour, composition and execution.
And then, I mean, just look at that beauty:


I'm not gonna lie, I kinda want that hanging on my wall...

Congrats @oreille-pointue and 1SBD are your spoils, to add to your dragons hoard. ;D

2nd place - @artwatch

It was a close one between @artwatch and my first place choice, because @artwatch went above and beyond, not only going on a spontaneous re-draw spree after her first entry - this one - which was awesome but didn't blow me away:


But then as mentioned, went into a re-draw frenzy and proceeded to go on what I can only call a deeply personal processing journey of painful memories, and then sharing it all with us, in all it's dark and emotionally wrenching glory, hiding nothing of the pain and ugliness. That takes balls of steel in my opinion.

And then the drawings are beautiful and deeply touching to me. It was fascinating to see the old unfinished sketches come to life, fully to fruition, the thoughts "completed" at last, after having been abandoned for so long, most of them haunting in the way they reveal the inner struggle of the person who conceived them.
Feel free to digitally slap my pretentious face if I'm wrong @artwatch, but that's what I saw in these.







Thank you for sharing this with us @artwatch, I feel pretty humbled that my Draw it Again challenge idea brought this on, and 1SBD seems a pretty puny token of appreciation, but it is what it is ^^"
You rock woman.

1st place - @katalinaooma

This entry simply spoke to me, I'm a hopeless romantic sop inside, and have a soft spot for star-crossed lovers and sad love stories.

But more importantly, I am a story teller at heart and so I always appreciate pieces the most that serve that purpose well. And this does in my opinion.

Check out @katalinaooma's post for details of this lovely piece.


She picked something from 9 years ago, that had meaning and backstory to it and the new rendition doesn't only show her improved technical skill but in my opinion also a significant improvement in storytelling.

The new version of the piece, for me at least, conveys the backstory much better than the original, from the expression on the face to the choice of turning the hand around, giving an impression of reaching, the longing and yearning for the lost loved one, as well as conveying the same sense of a memory almost tangible but slipping through your fingers like smoke, becoming ever fainter the harder you try to reach for it, as it did in the first version. <3


I may or may not also have fallen in love a little with this gorgeous pretty boy and his bedroom eyes. siigh~
sshhhhh... stop judging me. I have a weakness for Asian dudes mkay? It's all those damned Dorama I watched back in the day... ... ... okay, okay! You may judge me a little. But just a little.

Congratulations on winning the challenge and your prize of 5SDB! :D
whoop whoop!~ happy-dance


And because, as I said before, you're really all winners in my opinion, check out the awesome-sauce gallery of extra-special-awesome-sauce entries (in no particular order):

@Chillingotter's gorgeous rendition of Charizard's night flight:

and the 1 year older dragon flight piece that prompted the re-draw:
But hey I can't have 2 dragons in the top 4. That'd be unfair. right? right?
Seriously though, I love these. soo pretty~~

@mfestra's roaring Tiger sketch.


incredible improvement in skill here as well since 2005, everything from perspective and foreshortening to anatomy and shading technique has drastically improved. Also: Tigerrrrrs~~ <3

Adorable @kothy with adorable Touka-chan


Here the newer version is to the left. Much improvement in handling the digital medium, shading and proportions of the face. Well done hon! <3

@thewrinttesalt's awesome Monk turned demon character Land:


I findthis really cool actually because @thewrinttesalt has clearly worked on perfecting their Manga style screen shaders in the digital format, and his new version looks like it's straight out of a badass Manga. The pose and composition is much more dynamic and the variation in value, tone and strokes makes this really interesting to look at and very clear despite everything being in dark shades of grey and black. Awesome work.

@thilah - yomi


@soria.lee's super adorable graduation bunny.

Don't you just wanna cuddle it to death? squeeak~

I think the re-draw is definitely more successful than the first version, even though @soria.lee expressed doubt at being able to actually improve on the drawing. Well, let me tell you you did! It's definitely a Bunny now and it's nice and "planted" on the ground, where the first one was a bit floaty and the proportions are much better too. I'd say it was a successful re-draw! <3

@lonicera's beautiful and slightly unsettling.. uhm... Vampire Lady?

It's not clear from her post what the backstory is here, but I'm sure it's awesome. I just wish she'd told it ^^"
Much, MUCH improvement here in only a short little year. Very impressive how much improvement in fact. I was considering this briefly for one of my top 4 but the reason I ended up not placing this is because I was lacking context in the post, so I didn't "connect" with the piece. I would have liked to know the story.

@shlomit's Leon!

A badass revived punk dude, who's now calmed down a little and has become an equally badass dad.


I love this because @Schlomit made the effort to dig something out, thoughshe usually doesn't keep any of her drawings. And her liitle trip down memory lane is awesome. I recommend you go read it. ;)

@feynyala's game elf character!

Unfortunately we have no name or origin of this badass elf warrior.

There's still some issues here but the improvement is quite significant as well, much better everything pretty much. And what I like most about the progress here is that the new version has a much a clearer "style" statement, where the original version somehow doesn't quite seem to know what it wants to be.
cool stuff!

@adamad's digital portrait of a girl.


Also an artist with a bit to go yet but very clear improvement here, from a simple line sketch with barely any underlying structure to a full digital portrait. Lot's of structure and proportion improvement here!

@looserwin's pencil sketch portrait of her pretty sister.


what I like about this again, is the great improvement in only 4 short years. And let me tell you realistic portraits, even drawn from a photo are god damn fricking hard.

This awesomeness by the incomparable @stahlberg.

Dude. I like, can't even with you.
You're just too damn good man.

Even though you grabbed something from 20 years ago -gasp - and there is for sure a marked improvement between the two (if my puny self may be permitted to observe such a thing of the work of someone whose skill so clearly surpasses my own) I was kinda missing that - "look! I went from raw and unpolished to awesomeness" - feel I got from most of the other entries. shrugs

I'm glad you had fun tho, and I totally love your work and hope you'll come back for the next round too ;P

Maybe next time pick something from 30 years ago? heehee.. 😅
Don't kill me, I love youu~ XD

@zeroooc's badass (as always) Fanart re-draw of Illidan the Betrayer from Warcraft.

Zero and I have been friends for a long, long time. He's the one who kicked my ass onto steemit. I've always loved his art and we've even collaboated on projects occasionally, pushing each other, always. And we kinda do the same on steemit. I don't think we'll really let each other actually win any of our contests because we kinda support each other anyway, without anything needing to be mentioned and these contests are more about supporting others for us, both of us being moderators in the @steemartists Discord channel and all that. But we'll probably always occasionally take part in each others contests anyway, simply because FUN! :D And to motivate others to take part. ~ <3
Now behold the awesome. I mean the old one was already pretty epic but the remake? whole new level of awesome.


Thank you again everyone, for participating in my first drawing challenge, you guys rock my world so hard! <3 <3 <3 prizez will arrive shortly. ;D

much love,



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Congratulations to all the winners and everybody, who participated!
Thank you @jillustrations for this opportunity! It was my honor and great pleasure to take part in this amazing and fun challenge!
It's also my first challenge on Steemit and honestly I couldn't believe the results! OMG! OMG! OMG! Sheesh, I can't even express it with words! O.O

Congratulations to the winners! Thanks for the push @jillustrations! If it wasn't for this contest, I wouldn't have finished trying to redraw an old drawing hehe n_n

grats all participants and winners <3 very great arts \o/

kudos to @jillustrations for hosting this really lovely competition <3

amazing turn out and very motivating!!!!

^ __ ^

next time I'm making you take part! MWAHAAHAHAHAHA :P

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm really happy about this contest and that you kicked my butt into drawing something I cared about and with something so geeky no less! Illidan has gotten me out of many tricky situations already and I am pleased to see he hasn't lost his touch ;)

Thank you @jillustrations for hosting an excellent contest and congratulations to all other participants.

So much improvement over the years for so many people :D

I'm reasonably certain @stahlberg has been able to draw since he was born so not sure there will be chasm bridging improvements even over decades XD


I'm starting to suspect the same XD

Great contest!

Congratulations to the winners. Those artwork are astonishing and pleasing. Do keep it up and stay inspired!

Great initiative Jill, If you do not give me the idea, I would not have done it: 3 thanks for everything

ah, god damn it :D
i was sure nobody cares about stories beyond art and almost never even reads them :D

congrats to winners! and everybody, who participated, bc you all are so talanted.
"draw it again" stuff is always interesting to look at, especially when its so good :D

Really wonderful drawing done well
You are an artist I really wish you a happy weekend

I'm sure that I would take a picture if ever I see anything like this too. This is amazing. This is brave creativity since some people may think it's crazy.

Such a cool contest

yaay! thanks! I'll host it again next week ;D

thanks for the wonderful contest @jillustrations . Hope to see and join more of your contest :D

yaaay! that'd make me happy :D

Yeah keep it up @jillustrations :) and more power to you :D

congrats @zeroooc!!! you are awesome, you really deserved it!!!

.... but... he didn't win.... 🙈 😹

noooooooo :( I thought he one

aw damn I guess I didn't structure the post properly. I announced the winners first and then the rest is gallery.. >.>

yep, we all were confused :) hahaha

but.. it says it really clearlyyyyyy thoooo
I go 4, 3, 2 ,1 and then Gallery siiiigh~~~~
tho Zero's re-draw is badass AF and totally deserves accolades. I hated to have to choose anything because everyone's work was awesome <3

Great! Congratulations to ALL!

Ooooooooooh my God ! There was so many of reeeeeaaaaaaally good drawings here, I didn't expect to be selected ! Thank you so much Jil !

Congratulation to all the winners and the others, because... this contest was so awesome ! Can't wait for the next one :D (I've already find an other dusty file... lots of creapy animals to re-draw)!

Thaaaaanks so much !

See you ^^ !

Congrats to all winners!
Everyone did a fantastic work <3 <3 <3
Thank you @jillustrations for creating this fun contest :*
(p.s. there's no C in Shlomit ;D )

aaahhh! sorryyy~~~ runs to correct immediately
I guess it's cos that's how I read it and then "germanified" it unconsciously XD whoops

Yeah, I'm already used to it here ;D
Thanks <3

Congratulations all! Awesome picks and amazing cotest @jillustrations !!!! :D
So mant new awesome artists to follow ^-^ <3 <3