
in art •  4 years ago  (edited)


Loyalty is rare digital art by Joe Chiappetta, available on MakersPlace.

Our church has been going through inspiring lessons on loyalty in the Bible and I have been one of the teachers who has preached an installment of this eye-opening series. To compliment such things, I thought it would be fitting to draw a visual representation of loyalty. Two friends, fighting side by side, where each one has the other's back, seemed to be a most lively way to portray the excitement and commitment wrapped up in the godly trait of loyalty.

You can also watch the lesson I preached in Riverside California at Hunter Hobby Park. The sermon is titled...
Loyalty + Self Denial = Disciple. It is on YouTube:


Notes from my sermon are on my main website here: https://joechiappetta.blogspot.com/2020/12/loyalty.html

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Congratulations @joechiappetta, your post won 1st prize in this weeks Show us Your California contest!!

Thank YOU!!! I am truly grateful and humbled by this.