Pixel Art Weekly!! Week 5 Winner!!

in art •  8 years ago 

Man did we have another close race this time! Pixel Art Weekly is really starting to get some fantastic participants!

This week we noticed a few votes that seemed a little suspect, we've been trying hard to make sure the contest is fair and that bots are not placing votes. Even though a couple of warnings were given out...ALL votes have been counted!
I repeat...ALL votes have been counted!

This week, we had the most amount of entries to date and you folks sure made it difficult to narrow it down to only 3 finalists.

I want to thank everyone that participated in the contest, everyone that helped the prize pool grow by upvoting & resteeming and everyone that took the time to place your votes for these awesome artists!

This week's theme was about setting limits. I wanted everyone to be able to draw anything they wanted, but stick to the theme of:

4 Color Palette

So without further ado. I present to you the winner of Pixel Art Weekly Wk 5....


Congratulations to you! Thank you for this fantastic entry. Hope this win let's you build up some of that steempower! ChooooChoooo!

A big round of applause for our runners up @infinitor & @dprophet as well as all of our contestants this week! You are a ridiculously talented group of artists! I hope to see you all again in next week's competition.

Stay Tuned!!
New theme announced in less than 12hrs!


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Well done @overkillcoin! Amazing work!

Wow. How in the world do you do that? Lol. Looks great @overkillcoin. Congratulations.

I would like to know more about how he did that too. If more people who have interests could learn there would be submissions.

I just figured out how to make a gif on gify. You can probably figure it out too. Click the pic for the link:


I just put a bunch of pictures together.

Good job. I'm impressed.

Thanks @pitterpatter!

Yes! Well done @OverkillCoin! Great entry

Congratz @overkillcoin, really great work!

NICE!! good job all contestants!
@overkillcoin great work!

Totally insane! :D Thank you everyone for your kind words & support!

Some quick shout outs to @dprophet and @infinitor (along with ALL participants) for some great pixel art!

I don't think I'll be able to be in this week's competition. Best wishes to all!