Progression drawing of a US Soldier & A poem: The Bravest Of Men, By Kate Cloud

in art •  9 years ago  (edited)

This piece I did after seeing a photograph which rocked my emotions. An eye opener if you will.
It made me think about what us civilians, don't see or hear about; the out of sight out of mind. I really wanted to share what I felt, and to show that the men and women fighting for us are at heart just as human. I wanted to show the mental sacrifice they can deal with on a daily basis, while we're cozy on our couches. I eliminated all the background and color except the red. After completing my drawing I shared it on FB. Soon after I was contacted by a man from the 25th Infantry Division. The soldier told me he was there that day. He told me how the man I drew had just earlier that morning found out he was going to be a father. Later that day while passing through a town, a car bomb went off killing the little girl he's holding. She had been playing nearby.

The Bravest Of Men

How has so much of the world become dread?
Starving children...
fields of lead.
Politicians that bash,
why would I vote for such behavior!?
Aren't we evolved enough yet,
to communicate in better measure?
Differences between us,
distances aside.
We all strive to live fully,
we all match on the inside.
To teach and learn selflessness...
to come together,
The bravest of men
know love,
not fear.

By Kate Cloud

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You got the best arts talent good in drawing and you're poems make you're drawing feel like alive , I do write a poems too . If got some times do visit my blog check my poems out :)

Words from the heart Kate.x

Beautyfull words and work. You're such a great artist!.

Thank you, I try

beautiful! My dad was 25th infantry in Nam, the "tropic of lightning" caught my eye right off the bat


Your all stuck with me now... :)

Extremely touches the heart and soul.

you're is the best @katecloud

This figure more words any politicians!

The world has always been dread. It's actually less dread now than ever (I try to remind myself).

But...yah. Love.

Lovely post, Kate.

"the bravest of men know love, not fear"
Perfect ending, Kate