The progression of 2 paintings inspired by 1 photo, & A poem One Night Stand By Kate Cloud

in art •  9 years ago  (edited)

And the second re-creation I did


One Night Stand

I saw surprise in your eyes,
I felt excitement in your voice.
I watched fate inhale your fear,
as if you had no choice.
I sensed conflicts deep within you,
and watched them tip-toe across your face.
We incidentally tempted passion,
once my skin your fingers grazed.
Not attached by love or emotion,
confrontation we ignored.
I mirrored your every weakness,
it was all we could endure.
So satisfied by attraction,
both lost in an obscure daze.
This time we spent together,
aided lost attention and lonely days.
Now, we're quiet about each other...
as if life never missed a beat.
An ending stolen from a movie.
A little bitter...
A little sweet.

By Kate Cloud

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incredible piece, its just stunning! as a fellow artist hats off to you, because this is incredibly well done, what medium is this? oils?

Thank you! Acrylic 😊

I love one night stands too (:

The sexiest thing a woman can do, is arc her back like the woman is doing in this pic. I mean gawd... it just drives us men wild.

Great piece of art! I really like it.

Stunning! Very artistic


You are sexy and you know it!

I am sending you all my close friends to see this and upvote it... you rule colors so bloody hard!

Hey Kate, would you like to enter the ongoing Haiku contest with the chance of winning a book?

amazing art and poem


  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Thank you.

wow simply outstanding!