RE: The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

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The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in art •  6 years ago 

I love it great fiction image @xpilar

I hope you interest in my story

In the distant lands he lived a king and this king had a single son. When the prince grew up, the king decided to marry him at the earliest opportunity, and the king chose his prince three princesses to choose from them a suitable bride and wife.

But the three princesses spoke to the prince separately. The first princess told him if we married, I would make you a blanket that you could cover all over the kingdom that the prince would govern.

"If we get married, I'll make you a pancake to feed everyone who lives in this kingdom," said the second princess. "If we get married, I'll be yours all the time and we'll live happily ever after and we'll have boys and girls.

The Prince thought so much and chose to marry the first princess and before the wedding asked her about the blanket and laughed at his words and said to him forget this empty talk There is no blanket enough for all the inhabitants of your kingdom, leaving them.

And the second married when he asked her about the pie that will suffice all the inhabitants of the kingdom said to him the Second Princess I said this only to marry me, Prince, and the prince was shocked and faster and left.

The third princess married and when he asked her about her promises to him that she would support him all the time and live with him in eternal happiness and give birth to the sons and daughters, the princess told him that the days could prove to you the veracity of my words and his heart rejoiced a lot and lived happily together.

But one day, the first and second princesses decided to destroy the prince's and princess's marriage and plotted a terrible plot on the day the princess was born instead of settling and placing their dogs.

One of the palace workers put the dogs of the place of birth. The princess gave birth to a male and female twins, the male with a mole on the head and the female smiling at sunrise, crying at the time of rain and the absence of the sun. The palace workers threw the twins out of the palace in a remote place in a river, Closure.

And when the prince and the princess saw that they had given two dogs willing to spend God and his destiny, and in the morning, a good man saw the box in the river and went down to the river and brought out the box and opened it and saw the two children and rejoiced in them so much and faster to say to his good wife who rejoiced so much with the two children that they do not give birth and raise the two children until Kabra and two young men and a day The good man died and was followed by his beloved wife.

Al-Shater Hassan took his twin sister, Six Hassan and the Beauty, to live in the land of her husband. A fair man and his wife did not have two children, and one of the bad princesses saw Hassan and his sister.

The wicked princess gave them a house in exchange for the money. The evil princess said the house lacked only the presence of the beautiful sounding dumbbell and asked the boy to bring him back from the forest.

Al-Shater Hassan went to the forest and found the Ghoul and asked him about the place of the Bulbul. He told him that he was in a scary monster's house and told him exactly where he went and the young man found the beast suffering and helped him but the beast grabbed him.

In the meantime, the king and the queen passed away the house that Shater Hassan and his sister, Hassan Al Hassan and Fatima, took the door and opened the door to them. They opened the door and asked her about her identity and sat down to hear her story and felt that there was something dangerous and that the good boy and Hassan might be their children who gave birth to them.

The king was forced to tell the truth, and when the king knew the truth, he punished the princesses and the workers of the palace with death and burned a penalty for their invalid work. The king threw the dogs out of the palace, and the king threw the dogs out of the palace. , And the king and queen lived with her children

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