Life On Mars : The Son, and the Amazing journey of Photo Editing

in art •  8 years ago 


I admit, the title is very misleading, even though it seems accurate. This image only shows half of my son, or i should start speaking appropriately, half of my twins, Zachary. His brother being Xavier.


Dance all Night. See it Edit it..

space crafts2.jpg

Fantasy world, Sons riding spacecrafts while I simulteneously manipulate their flight controls with my mind.


Temporarily caught in between Dimensions. Xavier discovers their are hidden gems on the bridges between frequencies. Like the music that arises out of the vibrations.

jumping cliff.jpg

Now that I have your mind Qued in to the idea of twins, you are certainly convinced that these silhouettes are of The same guys... They are..

Christmas card.png

The Family keeps you warm while its cold.
Hearts of Love, Souls of Peace

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