Sunday people sketching - Part 2

in art •  7 years ago 


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Hey, man. Your at is great, but if you want attention in the platform you need to take a picture of yourself holding a piece of paper with today's date, the word Steemit, and your user name.

Thank you for the advice... and kind words :)
Ehm, so... what exactly do i need to do? Get a newspaper of today's date?

I think it's mostly that you haven't introduced yourself, i think he wants proof that you are making these drawings, as steem pays for original content, not the reposting of other's work.

So if you take a photo with one of your drawings you've posted already, + the date and steem username, you can get verified.

Ah, gotcha! :) ... Ok, makes sense. I'll do it :)

Don't post all your stuff too quick! Recommend pacing yourself, to build of followers and increase the chance of getting on the front page / a bigger payout.

Thank you for the advice! I just wanted to fill the newsfeed a little bit. I guess I got too excited with the new platform :D

They're really good

Thank you! :)

Good drawing 👍

Thank you @karmatv :)