šŸŒ³ My First 3D Pen Creation + New 3D Pen Review šŸŒ³

in art ā€¢Ā  7 years agoĀ  (edited)

So I recently did a post where I shared an awesome new toy @ausbitbank had bought for me, it was a 3D pen and I have been addicted to using it ever since.

I figured given the amazing response I had from my first mention of it I should do a review, I also thought I would share my first creation and the process (learning curve) of making it.

I do not claim to be an artist by any means, but I am just so happy with my first planned creation - I absolutely love my tree.


3D Pen Review:

Whilst I do love my pen I do have to say after using it for many many hours, I have learned of a few design flaws that I know to look out for next time.

The first and in my opinion biggest issue is that it starts quite fast, but the longer you use it the slower it gets until the point I stopped for fear i was burning out the motor.

I realised that this is easily avoided by taking short breaks, the device manages to heat up quite rapidly and the same goes for the cool down - a simple five minute break and I was back into it, but it did slow down again after another short use.

The other issue I had was with the grip, because you press a button to make the filament feed through the pen you are constantly pressing - after prolonged work your hand can cramp and ache from maintaining this position.

The only other issue I was really faced with was the speed control, it appears to have a speed slider however it really only produces two speeds impossibly slow or fast - though as I mentioned, with continued use the device slows down so there is not consistency and that can make life hard when trying to do fine details.

Since playing arround with it for a few days, I know I absolutely love it and I really enjoy being able to create something tangible whenever I want.

I have watched a few youtube reviews and I think the next time we decide to buy another 3d pen, I will go with the next model up - it has a tapered grip which I think might help some of my complaints, it also appears to have no issues with long term use and speed.

All in all it was an amazing investment, something I will definitely be using time and time again - and something that gives me the ability to create whatever I can imagine.

The Process:

So I started from humble beginnings as it was really difficult to begin, you need something to build up on - I have since learnt that using a piece of paper is the easiest way, as it give you a point to attach to and then build upon.


After I had a very basic shape I started to build upon it, working the filament out to the edges of the forming structure.


Well then the phone battery died so I didn't have much to show for a while, but in the next picture you can see the basic shape of the trunk and root systems beginning to take form - even if roughly.


Next thing I built up branches so that they could eventually support the canopy to come, I wanted my structure to be solid with two kids in the house I didn't want a simple touch to break it - so I ensured all joins were as solid as possible.


Then I spent a lot of time working on the joins in between the trees trunks, though I soon learned the more you build it up the less access you have to create a desired effect.


Before beginning with the canopy I reinforced the branches, so that they were able to take the brute weight of the coming greenery.


Then I started to build the framework to support the canopy, ensuring it was anchored to the branches as best I could.


Then I began to web across the top for more reinforcement, and again for extra areas to build up from.


Then anchored it to the trunk, to possibly an excessive extent - but I don't think it will fall off anytime soon.


I decided the best approach now would be to build a nest on top of the branches, as a second layer of internal support.


I also began to wrap this down the branches as another support layer, but also for building the base up once the top was completed.


First phase of the canopy is built, it is a solid attachment to the base of the tree and the perfect strength to build the canopy on top of.


This was one of the hardest areas to complete, I was basically building a lighter frame from to extend into the canopy at full size - I was working in air and in the end had to find ways create loops in thin air, not so easy to do.


From there I had to just keep on going, trying to get this liquid plastic to bend mid air and not have sharp bends was almost impossible at first.


Finally I started to begin to see some of the shapes I was going for start to come to life, I got very excited here and started to see some real progress.


The last major hole in the top of the canopy, building up the framework took hours - but I am so happy with the result.


Some more shaping to give it a full and filled out feeling, I wanted the tree to have an aspect of movement throughout the canopy and that meant giving it some character.


It looked to narrow so I decided to build up another side to give it more depth, it is strange working in three dimensions you forget to observe different perspectives at first - this was the end of phase two.


Again time jump here to where I have spent an insane amount of time, shaping and building up the canopy into a solid structure with character.


I love the effect used on the canopy, it gives it a flow and energy - like a direction the leaves are blowing.


I took a lot of effort not to make the tree symmetrical, I would have loved that but I was attempting to go for a more natural look which means imperfections.


So then I realised I had this massive heavy canopy, with no base being supported by some lightweight framing but no real attachments throughout the base of the canopy.


I then reinforced and built up the base of the canopy and again reinforced gripping to the trunk.


I learned early on that things get exponentially easier, if there is even a small amount of framing and support work to build upon.


The final touches ready to be applied to the canopy and at least that part will be finished.


The finished base of the canopy with the final effect I chose for the area.


Now I needed to go back and fix up the trees roots, as they just don't cut it now the canopy has been finished.


I decided to build them up into long twisting roots, like the old trees in our rainforests here in Australia.


Here is when I learnt to use paper as a guide for the filament, it helped create a much smoother curve than earlier attempts.


I wanted it to look as natural as possible so I even tried to add features, like a splitting in the root system before parting into opposite directions.


Finally the last leg, ready to be extended and built up into a twisting root of the tree.


The Final Product:

I really couldn't be happier I honestly expected it to be a disaster, but I am genuinely proud of my not so little tree.

So here it is - The top down view, I am happy with the look of the canopy - I think it gives it a feel of though the wind rushing through the leaves, making it look like a solid.


The twisted roots are probably my favourite aspect of the entire tree, it really reminds me of these massive trees in our rainforest where the roots can be meters high out of the ground.


I am so happy with the final creation, I never imagined it turning out as well as I think it has - I'm stoked.


I love my 3d pen even with the issues I mentioned in the review, it is still an amazing piece of technology that has changed how I approach art and creativity in general.

I really can't wait to get started on creating some of the creatures from my fantasy saga and sharign them with all of you.

What would you love to create with a 3D pen?

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My daughter just got one of these, and I can't wait to show her this! Please post more of your projects! Upvoted and followed

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

I will definitely be posting more of my creations with the pen, I hope your daughter enjoys the post and thanks for the follow :)

Impressive, next project, a brand new car :)

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Thanks so much, here's hoping I really do need a new car mines falling apart - but if things keep going well a house is in our future ASAP. Cheers for the comment :)

Duct- tape and your new pen. You would be amazed at the things they use that tape for here in Canada.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Hahaha yeah we love the stuff too here in OZ, I have seen cars being held together by duct tape - which earned it the novel nickname of 100 mile an hour tape :D

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)

I would like to create steemit logo :) I think it will be great if you can give it a shot since I don't have a 3D pen

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

I have been thinking about it but I need another shade of blue to make it work properly, but I assure you that is on my to do list.

Very good result for a first attempt. I will try to get such a pen for my autistic son.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

It's great fun you just have to be careful of the end it gets extremely hot 250 degrees + My kids aren't ready for that yet, plus my daughter would probably eat the plastic rather than use the pen lol.

I was very happy with the result not quite what I wanted, but still pretty amazing all in all :D

Thank you for the info.

Love the final creation!

Those roots are so <3

Amazing work, Krystle! :)

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Thank you so much I am really happy with it too :)

I think my favourite part now is the roots, they started of a bit dodgy but came good in the end - at least I know I can make an octopus now lol.

Cheers :)

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

OMGoooodd.................!!!!!! @krystle this is Amaziiinggg..!!!

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Wow thanks so much I really appreciate it :)

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

I want a 3D pen! But how often did you have to refill the plastic? I kind of want to call it ink. But the plastic if thats what the material is. How long did this tree take? Also, how much for the kit?

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Lol I get it they are awesome, it is plastic but you can get all sorts of materials not sure they all work with the pen though - it is a lot like ink but yeh plastic.

The tree itself was over 20 hours continual work, the pen itself was around $100 AUD and the plastic was another $100 ish - I am buying bulk amounts now to lower costs, but the plastic is the true expense here.

Cheers :D

This is so awesome Krystle. I can't wait to see some more of your creations.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)

Thanks so much I really appreciate it, I am looking forward to seeing what I can come up with too this is not my wheelhouse :)

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Great work. Loved it :)

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Thanks so much :)

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Please do check out my work and upvote/follow if u like it. I hope u love my work too :)
Cause i love my work <3

Thats awesome omg so pretty :o

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Thank you so much :)

Wow nice and very thorough post. And a very nice result. I bought a 3d pen myself some time back but i rarely use it. not that it is not interesting but I have far to many other projects so its mostly my son that uses it

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

I can see a lot of people ending up in this situation, or even having their kids use it too much to get access to it themselves.

Thanks for your lovely comment :)

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

looks very fun tool, how much time you spend on this tree? :)

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

I should have timed it but I'd guess at least 20 hours, I wanted it to as solid as possible so I spent extra time trying to reinforce everything.

It really was fun though - cheers :)

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

That's pretty cool.You're very creative thanks for sharing upvoted and resteem

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Thanks so much I really appreciate the up vote and resteemed.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

you are welcome

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Nice job! Your making my future art project list more expensive Haha!! I want to try one of these pens they look like a lot of fun. One question is it tedious?? Or does the project just flow, once u understand how to use the pen??

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

The pen is a lot of fun, but yes it can be tedious if you don't enjoy it - there was a lot of focus and also it was new to learn to work on something in 3D, I'm used to art in 2D.

It is really hard to start at the beginning of every project, but once you have something to build on it gets easier :)

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

I've never even heard of a 3D pen...whoa..it does look addicting. Cool post! thanks

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Addictive is definitely the word I would use, I can't stop - there are just too many things I want to make now...

I need more hours in the day to get everything done now this is in my life :)

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

How much time did that take? It's awesome ...

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

I really didn't keep track but we think it was at least 20 hours to complete it, thanks so much I'm really happy with it :)

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Nice job, I really like the outcome.
Next, make a whale!

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)

I subscribe also for the whale :D

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Lol the whale seems to be a popular choice, I'll give it a go - Cheers :)

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Thanks so much, I really like the idea of the whale next I think I will have to give it a go - Cheers :D

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

I love your 3D pen too, and look forward to see what else you may do :D

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Thanks it was a gift from my partner @ausbitbank we only got it because of steemit so I'm stoked :D

Lots of things planned for the future with this new little addition - Cheers

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

That's awesome and inspiring! I hope one day I can afford to get something as creative through my steemit allowance, lol. My inventions will probably be a lot more fucked up though, haha!

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Keep at it and one day I'm sure you will be, my post weren't making that much a few months back it does take time and work.

I'm as surprised as anyone this turned out anything like I was aiming for, pure luck!

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Will do ^_^

That's quite the interesting tool!

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Lots of fun and no limitations on what you can create - cheers :)

you are soooo intricate and detailed and amazing art and amazing post and i have never heard of this thing

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

It's so cool I am really not an artist, you just go over any mistakes lol.

Thanks so much Hun šŸ˜˜

I feel like this would make an awesome table lamp! haha~
Not sure if that stuff would melt with a light in it though >_>;

Good job. I like it! Maybe next step to make a creature to call the tree home?

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

That would be awesome I'll have to look into the temp level it can take and find out if this is a possibility- might be a future idea if it can work.

I've had requests for a whale but after that a creature for sure šŸ˜€

So cool! Is it expensive?

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Thanks and no where near as much as I was expecting it to be for just the pen around $100 Aud, but the filament adds up fast.

Look nice and look like a lot of work to make them? You're very creative. 100% upvoted from @chanthasam

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Thanks so much, I should have tried to track the time but I'd say at least 20 hours of work broken up over a few days.

It was a bit painstaking at times, but lots of fun to get to make something from essentially nothing.

Cheers for the vote :D

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Wow very nice It is just some sort of new era art! 3d crafted by yourself just think about it for a minute! Awesome age we are living in!

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)

I know right, the whole time I was using it I was thinking - this just wasn't possible ten years ago.

I am in love with the fact, that I can try out designs for safety gear for around the house and try it out before getting a more polished design printed professionally ( I have two special needs children).

It really is an awesome time to be alive :D

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Awesome that it is now possible to custom make something that will make life for your children better!

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

That's exactly right, just blows me away :)

That's pretty cool, it looks like spaghetti, how much does it cost to run the pen?

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

I was playing around with textures, because you have to change the temp setting for different colours and different effects - but yes a lot like spaghetti.

I believe the pen itself was around $100 Aud but the real cost is in the filament rolls, they can be really expensive and you want to have a wide variety of colours so you're not limited - this all adds up really fast.

The pen itself is just electric plug it in and go, it can be a bit noisy but nothing too bad.

I guess it's like a lot of things, the initial cost is modest but the ongoing costs stack up. Cheers

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Yeah exactly, plus I think people buy it because of it's novelty appeal but hav eno real use in mind.

I have been planning for something like this for years, besides characters for my story and safety prototypes for my kids - I think I can use it to repair some damaged toys and even make them new ones harder for them to destroy.

So basically it's worth the expense if you can see the value in it!

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

wow, that is a great result. Never thought that way but my kids like to have a 3D printer...

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

It is amazing almost like colouring in but with layers, I can imagine kids spending hours creating all sorts of amazing things with a pen like this - Cheers :)

This is so cool! Great job

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Thanks so much, I'm really happy for a first go at it - Cheers :)

Great. will wait to see when you do more. Have a good one

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)
Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

That is cool, I like the use of colours - Cheers :)

Oh wow I have never even heard of a 3D pen before. That is super cool.

I feel like one day technology will become so advanced that we print the food we eat.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

It is lots of fun to mess around with that's for sure, as for printing food one day for sure :)

Nice stuff

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Love this! Followed!

Oh, man! Sweet! The 3D pen in action @krystle!

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Cheers :D