Foto Tradisional Aktrasi Lompat Bola Api (Traditional Photo of Fire Ball Jump Aktration)

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)

Halo warga steemit diseluruh negeri dan khususnya Steemians Indonesia, beberapa hari kemarin saya pergi kesatu daerah tepatnya di Kabupaten Gayo Lues, Aceh Indonesia.

Saya melihat keramaian dan saya menghampirinya, terlihat ada acara adegan unik jarang dilakukan khusus pada acara tertentu, lalu saya bersama masyarakat yang telah hadir terlebih dahulu menyaksikan Atraksi bela diri dan Atraksi lompat bola Api. Seni aktraksi ini merupakan salah satu kekayaan budaya nasional Indonesia.

Disamping memberikan hiburan kepada masyarakat, pentas seni tersebut juga bermaksud memperkenalkan kesenian tradisional Indonesia yang terus digemari masyarakat diseluruh tanah air Indonesia. Saya memotretnya dan memposting di akun steemit Launglilawangsa, ini beberapa foto dari kegiatan Atraksi Seni dan Budaya Tradisional yang saya ambil kemarin melalui Kamera Digital saya..

Nikon D7100
ISO Speed 800
F-stop f13
Exposure time 1/500 set
Atrist Seni Budaya Tradisional

Traditional Photo of Fire Ball Jump Aktration

Hello, steemit people all over the country and especially Indonesian Steemians, a few days ago I went to one of the regions precisely in the Gayo Lues Regency, Aceh Indonesia.

I saw the crowd and I approached him, there was a unique scene program rarely done specifically at certain events, then I and the people who were present first witnessed martial arts attractions and fireball jumping attractions. This art of contraction is one of Indonesia's national cultural wealth.

Besides providing entertainment to the community, the art performance also intends to introduce Indonesian traditional art that continues to be popular with people throughout the Indonesian homeland. I photographed it and posted it on Steemit Launglilawangsa account, here are some photos that I took yesterday through my Digital Camera ..

Nikon D7100
ISO Speed 800
F-stop f13
Atrist Traditional Culture
Exposure time 1/500 set

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