Somewhat Cute Animals Art - Tarsier

in art •  7 years ago 

This is a series of my somewhat cute lifeless designs of random animals that I made a long time ago.

The next animal would be a ... tarsier. Again, random af. (^~^;)ゞ

Tarsier At Heart.jpg

Source: My computer

In theory big eyes and small nose should look cute, but look at this:

Source: Tarsiers - The Big-Eyed, Ancient, Nocturnal Mammal

My god, I can't decide if this is hilarious or terrifying.

Tarsier villain design from Kung Fu Panda series on Nickelodeon doesn't look the prettiest either:

Source: Tong Fo wiki page

Some boring facts about tarsiers:

  • Tarsiers are nocturnal animals meaning they're more active at night;
  • Tarsiers' eyes are so damn huge so they could see and hunt in the dark;
  • Tarsiers can't rotate their gigantic eyes, so they rotate they heads up to 180 degrees instead; ⊙-⊙
  • Tarsiers' fingers are long and padded for better gripage;
  • Tarsiers have a good hearing sense;
  • Tarsiers' legs can be longer than their whole body allowing them to jump far.

Boring fun facts happened after skimming through the following sources:

  1. Spectral Tarsier
  2. Zoologger: A primate with eyes bigger than its brains
  3. Tarsiers - The Big-Eyed, Ancient, Nocturnal Mammal

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That's actually quite interesting stuff. You need to build a bigger audience for yourself by making relevant and interesting comments on the posts of other people. Find your niche and read the stuff others post about stuff that interests you. Then get involved by engaging with the author and others who comment on the author's post. Once you do that, people will check out what you post about and find your cool stuff, just the way I ended up coming here.

Oh... I forgot an important item: Once people do come to your pages and engage with YOUR stuff, make sure to give them an up-vote to show them that you appreciate their participation. Even though you may think your vote isn't worth much, its the thought that counts and everyone knows that newcomers don't generally have much vote power. Every little bit counts though, just like the tiny grains of sand on the beach; together they make something big.

Thank you for the useful advices again! You da real MVP! (っ*´∀`*)っ
Your previous comment also speaks of truth. I need to engage with more people, but in reality most of the time I don't know what to say or I'm tired after uni or just plain lazy, so I just upvote. (*^▽^*)ゞ

You only get 10 votes at full-power in a 24 hour day, so use your votes wisely. Actually, every time you vote it uses up about 2% of your vote power, so after 10 votes you are left with 80% assuming you started with 100%. If you don't vote for 24 hours after that, your VP will have returned to 100%. It isn't quite that simple either because each vote takes 2% OF WHAT IS LEFT, so in reality, it costs less and less to vote as your total VP goes down. Everything is so complicated, so we generalize to make it simpler to understand.

I expect that you would have something that gets you excited. Search around for those topics and see what you find. Surely something should stimulate you to find something to say about it. As for laziness; I wonder if the food you are eating is causing that? I've been seeing a lot of information lately about how the wrong foods can cause sluggishness.

Yeah, steemit can be overwhelming at times. I sometimes want to vote for posts I like, but then remember that I already voted for a bunch of stuff. Some days I don't care and just vote without looking at my voting power and 30 minute mark and all that jazz, some days I don't vote at all.

The food that I eat is indeed not the healthiest. And my lifestyle is sedentary. Those might be the reasons for my laziness. At least I get to "exercise" a bit when I walk or run when I'm late from a bus stop (which is not that close) to my university. We're also often changing our auditories located on different floors and buildings. Making those leg muscles work, haha. (^ワ^)


Wow, you're a fast reader :D