Painting: Open Hand

in art •  6 years ago 

Screen Shot 2018-04-07 at 11.18.34 PM.png
"Open Hand" 3' x 4'

"Open Hand" is a way of looking at life. You don't really own anything nor can you hold on to anything either. You only think something is yours. This painting is a hard earned philosophy applying to everything: love, possessions, fame, a child-- everything. Also, if you hold on to anything, especially if you hold on too tight, you really only hold it back from its potential. Knowing that you're only a temporary guardian of the thing makes you appreciate it all the more and also eases the burden of worrying about it as it was never truly, solely yours. The red box in the painting is anything and everything you want it to be.

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Looking forward to seeing more of you creativity.

Thank you, I'm slowing getting into Steemit more and more. There are so many interesting and creative people here! Yourself included - following!

Always loved this one! Great job dad :)