Well look who’s and with the “SketchDailies”, no less. I started work on a comic and kept telling myself that I’ll get back to regular sketching once it’s done, but you can tell where that got me. Eventually I just said “fuck it”, bought a sketchbook(my first, actually) and decided to get back on /r/SketchDaily(https://www.reddit.com/r/SketchDaily/) stuff.
This time, though, I’ll try and be looser. Last time I had a self imposed rule that I’d only do the main prompt because that would be more challenging but it didn’t work in the long run(see my tumblr: https://leveste.tumblr.com/). Now I’ll only follow the prompt if it actually gives me an idea, otherwise I’ll go off-topic(the main point is to sketch daily, anyways).
Now, on the subject of the sketch: manatees are also known as sea cows. I wanted to take advantage of the midtone paper(seen a lot of artists recommending them), but I had no white pencil on hand so I made do with a white gel pen and correction fluid. Could’ve been worse, but also could’ve been better.
Date: 16/11/2017
Theme: Manatee