Golden Bird
There was a king there, and this king had a beautiful garden. This garden was located just behind the king's palace. Inside the garden there was an apple tree of gold, and this tree was amazing. It grows fast but every day the apple decreases.
The King marveled at this strange tree and decided to know the secret of the decline in the number of golden apples. The king decided to use his three princes to find out the secret in the shortage of golden apples.
The next day, the eldest princes went to sleep, but sleep overcame him. When he woke up, he discovered the lack of apples and the king decided to make his middle son watch for the secret, but the second prince failed to know the secret like his older brother.
When he came to the role of the little prince, his father did not like this king because he thought he would fail just like his brothers, but the king reluctantly agreed only to know the secret behind the diminishing number of apples.
The younger prince went to the park and sat under the tree. At 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, the little prince saw a golden bird fly and take an apple and fly back. The prince quickly tried to catch the bird and to launch a shot in his direction. But he failed and only managed to get a feather from it. Golden Bird.
The prince returned to his father the king and told him what he saw and the king gathered the footnote and the ministers and all decided to travel the great prince to search for the golden bird.
The prince traveled, and in the way he found a fox and before the fox hunted him, he told him that a group of golden birds would come to the village near this road.
The prince left the fox to live and did not care for the words of the fox and completed his career and arrived in two houses chose one of the existence of singing and dancing in it and preoccupied Prince in the case of singing and dancing in the cottage until he remained inside that cottage.
The prince went out to look for his older brother and the golden bird. The prince met the same fox whom his older brother had met. He did not care about his words exactly as his elder brother did, and sat like his older brother in the shack that filled him with dancing and singing.
The king worried about his big and middle sons and decided to send their younger brother to attend his brothers and know where the golden bird was.
On the way, the little prince saw the fox and the fox. The fox carried the prince and his daddy on the golden bird, which was inside a huge castle, but the bird screamed when the little prince saw the palace guards arrest the young prince and imprison him in prison.
The judge sentenced the young prince to death, but said he would not die if she managed to destroy the mountains that prevent the ruler from seeing the beauty of nature. The king will give you his daughter as your wife and give you the golden horse and the golden bird as well.
Indeed, the prince was able to help the fox to destroy the mountains. The king and his wife rejoiced at his daughter and gave him the golden palace, the golden horse and the golden bird.
On the way, the prince knew that his brothers were imprisoned and would not be released except for a fine. He paid them. On the way back, the brothers gave the little prince the well and took the princess, horse and golden bird.
The king rejoiced at the return of his princes and did not care about the return of the younger prince because he thought he was a failure and could never do anything.
The fox rescued the younger prince from the well, and the prince returned to his father's palace. The princess told all that happened to her and to her husband, the younger prince, from the rest of the princes. He ordered the king to arrest his two eldest and middle-aged sons and put them in prison.