Sometimes 'Eye Dream'

in art •  8 years ago  (edited)

This piece was a lot of fun, it went through a lot of revamps and I struggled having to deal with the busy-ness of it, but over-all I really like how it ended up and the progression that was made, although the gesso managed to eat up my brushes ridiculously quick(another learning lesson, if someone has a solution for that would love to hear it because gesso blends so much easier). But I got to color-vomit, which is my favorite thing to do :). This was a collab with my ex.

Please upvote me and I would appreciate follows to encourage me to keep pushing forward on painting. Thanks for the views.

Please upvote me and I would appreciate follows to encourage me to keep pushing forward on painting. Thanks for the views!

#anarchism <3

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Super trippy, love it! :D Will be following you ^_^

I following too.... I hope you following back :)) If you want to (pixielolz) @foxkoit

I like art very ;))