I not only collect movies but also records. Particularly i collect 7 inch vinyl singles with picture sleeves issued in Denmark. The interesting aspect of collecting singles is, that in 1950-70’s they were often issued with different and unique cover designs from country to country. This has always fascinated me and those who collect a specific artist’s records will know that the collecting efforts usually revolves a lot around finding all the various cover design versions of basically the same 7 inch record
Now I attack this from a different angle, not going for a specific artist, but trying to find all the (vinyl) picture sleeve singles issued in my home country, that has a sleeve specifically printed and designed in Denmark. Some labels seem to have used a lot of local designs like Decca, while others have never issued anything local, like CBS. They were apparently printed in Sweden and sold parallel to the danish market.
While collecting these sleeves, I have come across a designer that stand out significantly. The lettering is recognizable by their shape ond unevenness, which I find very charming and collectible. The colours are often quite lively and some with complementary combinations to give a striking appearance. They do not make ‘em like that any more.
The designer is seen only on releases from Decca, and its subsidiary labels London, UK and Deram. If the label had its own sleeve designer sitting in Denmark I do not know, but it seems likely. They are quite rare and this particular designer was only used in a short period of time arond 1970 to 1974.
I have managed to locate copies of around half of them. The picture here shows around twenty so far that I have identified on discogs.com. The David Bowie and Thin Lizzy ones are the scarcest and most sought after i believe. I just located a new one today, a mint copy of the Jonathan King, Hooked On A Feeling. Nice addition to this small and elusive collection.
I would love if someone could help me find out who this artist may be. It is likely that the person was used on other kinds of artistic formats like posters and commercials. I have a very small lead that is probably not correct, but anyway. A Norwegian compilation of Roger Whittaker from 1975 shows a lettering and overall design that is quite similar to this one. On the back of the cover, the name Steen Møller is quoted for layout. The problem is that it is Norwegian, it is 1975, which is very late and it is on Philips. Steen Møller is a very danish sounding name though, so that could indicate a danish connection.
Any help will be greatly appreciated
Image of Whittaker and collage partially from discogs. Others are my own scans.