fractal post #2 hope you like !

in art •  8 years ago 

geting hungry what to eat see what my cat is doing maybe :-P . next up deep dream fractals see what comes out :-P







fractals created with jwildfire software -- deep dream generator is a website
if you like what you see.
lets grow together vote comment resteem
i post 4 times a day dont miss out :)
follow tag for all my post manuel7870

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Holy cow !
Your fractals are hypnotizing.

tell your friends :) hehehe and thanks


A lot of these, as well as previous creations, would make for awesome printed shirts! There's an idea for you :)

i started save3ing the flames about 4 days ago point and choose which u want Lol but the wrap around shirt places want money upfront since im starting from the ground up i got a bit of work ahead of me . a few im on i can just post and they do all the work :-P but center image back or front mugs limited types phone cases ect