Under the Starlight - office art by @mariandavp

in art •  7 years ago 

After a few weeks that I haven't drawn or painted anything I finally got my pens and markers in hand and began to kick it off.

Maybe it's due to the influence of St. Valentine that the first thing that came into mind was a couple under the starlight.


Interestingly enough the work looked good if I turned the page around as well!!


Below a couple of photos from the process




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very nice painting. very high artistic value and achievement.
this is the image I've ever made


Ιt's very beautiful!! Congrats!

thanks .. where is the brother coming from?

its fantastic

Thanks so much @azizulhassan!

I love your works of art. Each and every one of them!)
Please keep painting, it's a great motivation for me to keep learning to paint :d

@yaan you don't need to learn, you know how to paint, it's in you!! ΙF you would care for an advice from someone who is self taught... After my father left us, I see his handwriting and I see him. It is the same with painting... keep your style and you shall live forever.

Thank you Marianda, I will remember your words :)

I am really glad you are doing this actually. I still remember your introduceyourself post where you expressed concerns about posting content . It's hard enough to expose yourself to others, exposing your soul is remarkable. Dedicating the time to learn how is even more.

It's not really hard for me to expose myself, it's just... I want to learn and progress at the same time when I'm posting.
We will see where it brings me in the future :d

welcome back to what you do best. :)

Thank you my dear 😘😘🌹

Welcome back filinada ;-) It was worth the wait 'cos you triggered my romantic part with your art. Glad you found some time :-)

Thanks sweetie!! 💖

wow mariandavp, very nice again. glad to see you back.. please see the work of my daughter @creatisa

Variations on a theme
Artistic talent there is seen
two valentines neath the sky
As the moon does give a sign
There they stand so true as one
Since the time of love begun
oh to have someone like this
underneath the stars to kiss.

Your artistry inspired this poem. Thanks @mariandavp

Thank you so much @enjoywithtroy, I am honored!

Not your usual office art it seems. Begun in the office and finished at home? Or done in the office over two days instead of during a single conference call?

I did it at home actually, I just used the same means! I wanted to try different style so I changed the figures' analogies and experimented with different coloring too. Thank you so much for noticing!

I would be thrilled if this means your "office" is moving home :-)

Haha I am afraid I can't afford to go unemployed at this time of my life! But hopefully Steem will go up so I 'll make you happy like that 😀

I don't know if you meant it - but the photo does deliver an ambivalent feeling to me - it is pretty romantic at first glance, what with that simple, quiet hand holding and the closeness of their bodies, but looking a little more, and being affected by the darkness of the skies that seeps into the couple as well, and looking at their expressions and the way the man looks a little aside, it looks like there is something unsolved lurking below the surface.
Not necessarily that something is wrong between them, maybe just tense - like if they experienced an hard experience lately - the lost of a dear family member or something of the kind.

am I totally off the mark? please do tell me :)

Well I lost a family member recently so there it is, the darkness you may feel lurking underneath. Good catch 😊

Nice work!
Does look Valentine’s Day inspired.
Steem on :)

Thank you @jcsteem!!

Your work was already good, and now after some days without painting you made a new brilliant piece of art. The colors are matching good with the feeling this couple has. Very well done, and Yes also the back looks good!

Thank you very much @livelifefullest 🌹🌹

Love this painting! Did you know that their two heads sort of make a heart? Maybe it's obvious or maybe I'm stretching my imagination! Great work and I'm going to do some artwork this week too!

I m glad you saw that! Thank you!

You should definitely continue to paint, the picture is beautiful! The sketches are also unique. I like the woman on the left side. All the best for you. Sunny greetings

It seems that something inspired you my dear @mariandavp and thank goodness, because your post is incredibly beautiful.

Amazing, this article make me inspiration, thanks
please upvote my post too..

Amazing brother 😲😲😲

You are back! At last... :)

There is a lot of feeling in this picture which comes through ...

Motivation of the birth of artwork basically depart from human need. The need is both physically and spiritually, in it contains values that can encourage the birth of works of art. In addition, personal experiences and social realities either consciously or unconsciously can be the idea of creation. All these motivations are the human desire to communicate with each other through artwork. So in the process of creating the work of artists must have a concept, so that the art can communicate with the audience.
follow and upvote me please
Motivasi lahirnya karya seni pada dasarnya berangkat dari kebutuhan manusia. Kebutuhan itu baik secara jasmani maupun rohani, di dalamnya mengandung nilai yang dapat mendorong lahirnya karya seni. Selain itu, pengalaman pribadi dan realitas sosial baik secara sadar maupun tidak sadar dapat menjadi ide penciptaan. Semua motivasi tersebut adalah keinginan manusia untuk berkomunikasi dengan sesamanya melalui karya seni. Maka dalam proses penciptaan karya seniman harus memiliki konsep, agar karya seni mampu berkomunikasi dengan penikmatnya.

omg this is so lovely painting
you have got some really good skills @mariandavp

Your arts are really creative. Good job..
